
Md. Khairul Islam × Instructor × Shanta Islam ×
Architectural Design and Drawing - 1 (68712)
Subject Aims:
• Develop the ability to use various drawing instruments and equipment.
• Enable Design and Drawing Media
• Enable the elements of drawing
• Enable in constructing and using various types of scales in drawing.
• Provide the ability to construct various geometrical figures.
• Enable to adopt various symbols used in drawing.
• Provide the skill of freehand sketching with shades and shadows.
• Provide the basic skills of drawing orthographic views.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about Architectural Design and Drawing Equipment.
• Students will learn about Design and Drawing Media.
• Students will learn about Element of Design, concept of View, reproduction, Lettering, numbering and constructing.
• Students will adopting alphabet of lines and Dimensioning.
• Students will learn about Constructing scales, constructing geometrical figures and constructing conic sections.
• Students will adopting Symbols, Freehand sketching (with shades and shadows).
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Architecture Rendering & Animation - 2 (68772)
Subject Aims:
• Develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Computer Rendering & Animation (3D Max and V-ray) with special emphasis on - 3D modeling.
• Develop knowledge and skill on Materials and mapping.
• Develop knowledge and skill on light, camera and render.
• Develop knowledge and skill V-Ray; and animation.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling & Animation Software.
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling, Tool Panels & It’s Sub Tools.
• Students will learn about Modeling with primitives and 3D Max main tool bar.
• Students will learn about Modeling with Spline, Compound Object and Modifier Stack.
• Students will learn about Setting and Preferences menu, Massing of Building Project.
• Students will learn about Doors, Windows, AEC Extended and Stair, Finishing of Massing, Materials Basics, Texture Mapping. Lighting Basic, Camera Basic, Rendering Basic.
• Students will learn about V-Ray, Render, V-ray Materials and Lights, Animation Basic, Key frame Animation, Work Throw Animation.
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Interior Design - 3 (68751)
Subject Aims:
• Understand the planning of a shopping center.
• Understand the retail and self-service shop.
• Prepare a presentation drawing of a shopping center.
• Understand the planning of a health service.
• Prepare design of a health service.

Subject Outcome:
• Planning of shopping center and basic area of shopping center.
• Retail and self-service Shops, service detail of shopping center and shopping center signage.
• Interior component of retail shop and self-service shop.
• General conception of Hospitals; patient Rooms; Admitting Department of Hospital.
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Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Power-1(66763)
Course Conducted By
Md.Husne Fahad
Electrical Technology.
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

My students will be able to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude in the area of transmission and distribution electrical power with special emphasizes on:
 Transmission and distribution systems of electrical power.
 Comparison of different types of transmission and distribution systems.
 Electrical and Mechanical design of overhead lines.
 Survey of transmission and distribution line routes.
 Voltage regulation and Efficiency of transmission lines.


Different systems of transmission; Aspect of transmission system; Mechanical design of overhead lines; support of overhead lines; conductors & conductor materials; Insulators; Effect of sag; Methods for survey of transmission/distribution line route; Voltage distribution of suspension insulator; Corona; Erection of poles and drawing of conductors of overhead lines; Electrical design of overhead line; Resistance of the line conductor; Skin effect of transmission line; Effect of inductance on transmission line; Effect of capacitance of overhead transmission line; Voltage regulation and efficiency of short transmission line.

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