
Textile Engineering × Md.Asfakur Rahman × Daffodil Polytechnic Institute ×
Surveillance Security System(28565)

Subject Name : Surveillance Security System
Subject Code : 28565
Technology : Computer
Semester : 6th

Subject Aims:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Interact with the customer in order to identify and understand their requirements.
• Ensure customer satisfaction
• Install and Repair dysfunctional system.
• Identify dysfunctional components through visual inspection and by use of multi meter
• To understand surveillance system installation requirement in terms of equipment, system, tools, applications appropriate for a particular site
• Install and Configure access control device and software
• Select Suitable cameras & DVR/NVR to provide the better solution to the customers.
• Read and Comprehend signs, labels and warning
• Communicate effectively
• Follow behavior etiquettes while interacting with others
• Establishing good working relationships with colleagues within and outside the department by
Coordinating Surveillance system Installation Technician

Subject Outcome:
Basic concepts of Designing the surveillance security System, Aims of a surveillance camera system, System design elements, Conditions for equipment selections, Camera Installation, Functions of video surveillance, Types of Camera, Lens, sensors & their functions, DVR, NVR interface, Principles of remote access, networking Basic.
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Textile Testing & Quality Control- II
Asif Shahriar
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
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System Analysis & Design (66671)
Subject Teacher : Md.Rajib Ahamed (Instructor).
Subject Name : System Analysis and Design.
Subject Code : 66671
Technology : Computer.
Semester : 7th

Reference Book Name :
1). System Analysis and Design (Publisher: Hoque Publication).
2). System Analysis and Design - Elias M. Awad
3). Analysis and Design of Information Systems - V. Rajaraman
4). System Analysis and Design Methods - Whitten, Bently, Barlow

Subject Aims:
To provide the students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skill and attitude in the fields of system analysis, design and computer based development with special emphasis on system concept, system development life cycle, system analysis, system design & Development, implementation & Information security and object-oriented system design.

Subject Outcome:
System concept, system development life cycle, system analysis, system design & Development, implementation& Information security and object-oriented system design.
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Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Power-1(66763)
Course Conducted By
Md.Husne Fahad
Electrical Technology.
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

My students will be able to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude in the area of transmission and distribution electrical power with special emphasizes on:
 Transmission and distribution systems of electrical power.
 Comparison of different types of transmission and distribution systems.
 Electrical and Mechanical design of overhead lines.
 Survey of transmission and distribution line routes.
 Voltage regulation and Efficiency of transmission lines.


Different systems of transmission; Aspect of transmission system; Mechanical design of overhead lines; support of overhead lines; conductors & conductor materials; Insulators; Effect of sag; Methods for survey of transmission/distribution line route; Voltage distribution of suspension insulator; Corona; Erection of poles and drawing of conductors of overhead lines; Electrical design of overhead line; Resistance of the line conductor; Skin effect of transmission line; Effect of inductance on transmission line; Effect of capacitance of overhead transmission line; Voltage regulation and efficiency of short transmission line.

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Python Programming for 2nd CST (28521)
Subject Teacher : Md. Rajib Ahamed (Instructor).
Subject Name : Python Programming
Subject Code : 28521
Technology : Computer Science & Technology
Semester : 2nd
Reference Book : (1). Python Programming (Publisher: Hoque Publication)
(2). Learning Python-Mark Lutz (5th Edition)
(3). Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science-John Zelle (3rd Edition)
(4). Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy and IPython-Wes Mckinney (2nd Edition)
(5). Learn Python the Hard Way-ZED SHAW (3rdEdition).

Subject Aims:
To provide the students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude in the area. To develop knowledge and skill on programming and problem-solving. To develop knowledge and skill to create, compile, debug & execute a program.

Subject Outcome:
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to develop knowledge of the Basics of programming language, Basics of python, Variables and data types, String processing, Python operators, Branch, Loop, List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary structures, Function, and I/O operation of Python Programming Language.
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Sensor & IOT System (28563)
Principle Concept:
Sensor & IoT System is the most significant area of diploma in Computer Science & Technology. To work with Sensor & IoT System should have the knowledge, skills and attitude of Sensor and IoT, IoT Architecture, Raspberry pi and Arduino, IoT Architecture, IoT devices, Connectivity in IoT, Security in IoT, Data analytics in IoT, IIoT in agriculture, IoT standards and interoperability, Regulatory and ethical considerations, Future trends in IoT and IIoT.

Learning Outcome (Theoretical):
After completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Interpret Sensor and IoT
2. Illustrate IoT Architecture
3. Interpret Raspberry pi and Arduino.
4. Explain IoT Architecture
5. Explain IoT devices and sensors
6. Describe connectivity in IoT
7. Illustrate security in IoT
8. Describe data analytics in IoT
9. Explain IIoT in agriculture
10. Explain IoT standards and interoperability
11. Explain regulatory and ethical considerations
12. Describe future trends in IoT and IIoT
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Microcontroller Based System Design & Development (28564)
Principle Concept:
As electronic devices continue to play a vital role in our daily lives, the need for understanding Microcontroller and Embedded Systems becomes imperative. This course aims to equip Diploma in Engineering Level students with knowledge and skills related to Microcontroller Architecture, Programming, Interfacing within Embedded Systems, and practical applications in real-world projects.

Learning Outcome (Theoretical):
After completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Interpret Microcontroller Architecture.
2. Write Program Microcontrollers using suitable IDEs.
3. State procedure to Interface the Microcontrollers with various sensors and actuators.
4. Comprehend communication protocols in Embedded Systems.
5. Explain Analog-to-Digital Conversion and PWM.
6. Develop and troubleshoot projects involving Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems.
7. Explain procedure of Interface with real world devices.
8. Illustrate mini development kit.
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Sensor & IoT System(28563)

Subject Name : Sensor & IoT System
Subject Code : 28563
Technology : Computer
Semester : 6th

Subject Aims:

Sensor & IoT System is the most significant area of diploma in Computer Science &
Technology. To work with Sensor & IoT System should have the knowledge, skills and
attitude of Sensor and IoT, IoT Architecture, Raspberry pi and Arduino, IoT Architecture, IoT
devices, Connectivity in IoT, Security in IoT , Data analytics in IoT, IIoT in agriculture, IoT
standards and interoperability, Regulatory and ethical considerations, Future trends in IoT
and IIoT.

Subject Outcome:

After Completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Interpret Sensor and IoT
2. Illustrate IoT Architecture
3. Interpret Raspberry pi and Arduino.
4. Explain IoT Architecture
5. Explain IoT devices and sensors
6. Describe connectivity in IoT
7. Illustrate security in IoT
8. Describe data analytics in IoT
9. Explain IIoT in agriculture
10. Explain IoT standards and interoperability
11. Explain regulatory and ethical considerations
12. Describe future trends in IoT and IIoT
Learning Outcome(Practical):
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Assemble a basic IoT sensor node using Arduino.
2. Assemble a basic IoT sensor node using raspberry pi.
3. Establish a simple wireless IoT network using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
4. Use Python or other tools to analyze sensor data.
5. Integrate IoT devices with cloud platforms.
6. Design a basic IIoT solution using a Raspberry Pi as the edge device and the Google
Cloud IoT platform for cloud integration.
7. Develop a system to control and monitor home appliances remotely using IoT
8. Construct a weather station to collect and shares real-time weather data using IoT
sensors, providing local weather information.
9. Implement an IoT-based solution to monitor soil moisture, temperature, and other
environmental factors for optimizing agricultural practices.
10. Design a smart parking solution to uses IoT sensors to detect and relay information
about available parking spaces in real-time.
11. Implement a system to optimize traffic flow by monitoring and controlling traffic
signals based on real-time data.
12. Create a quality control system in manufacturing that utilizes IIoT sensors to ensure
product consistency and reliability.

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