
Soma Rani Das × Daffodil Polytechnic institute × kayum × Farha Diba × Instructur ×
25911 Mathematics-1(Textile & Diploma)
Course Conducted by
M.M. Shahanuzzaman,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.

This Course for: Diploma in Engineering (1st Semester)
Course Aims:

To acquaint the students with the basic terminology of Algebra.
To be able to understand the complex numbers which are being used in electrical engineering.
To be able to understand the binomial expansion.
To be able to use the knowledge of trigonometry in solving problems of engineering importance.

Course Outcome:
Students will able to learn about Algebra and Trigonometry by studying this subject.
Detail discussions in Algebra will be: AP & GP, Polynomials & polynomial equations, Complex number, Permutation & Combination, Binomial
Theorem for positive integral index and negative & fractional index.
Detail discussions in Trigonometry will be: Ratio of associated angles, Compound angles, Transformation formulae, multiple angles and Submultiple angles.
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Mathematics-1(Diploma) 259121
Course Conducted by
Md.Abir Ul Islam
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
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Architectural Design and Drawing - 1 (68712)
Subject Aims:
• Develop the ability to use various drawing instruments and equipment.
• Enable Design and Drawing Media
• Enable the elements of drawing
• Enable in constructing and using various types of scales in drawing.
• Provide the ability to construct various geometrical figures.
• Enable to adopt various symbols used in drawing.
• Provide the skill of freehand sketching with shades and shadows.
• Provide the basic skills of drawing orthographic views.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about Architectural Design and Drawing Equipment.
• Students will learn about Design and Drawing Media.
• Students will learn about Element of Design, concept of View, reproduction, Lettering, numbering and constructing.
• Students will adopting alphabet of lines and Dimensioning.
• Students will learn about Constructing scales, constructing geometrical figures and constructing conic sections.
• Students will adopting Symbols, Freehand sketching (with shades and shadows).
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Architecture Rendering & Animation - 2 (68772)
Subject Aims:
• Develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Computer Rendering & Animation (3D Max and V-ray) with special emphasis on - 3D modeling.
• Develop knowledge and skill on Materials and mapping.
• Develop knowledge and skill on light, camera and render.
• Develop knowledge and skill V-Ray; and animation.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling & Animation Software.
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling, Tool Panels & It’s Sub Tools.
• Students will learn about Modeling with primitives and 3D Max main tool bar.
• Students will learn about Modeling with Spline, Compound Object and Modifier Stack.
• Students will learn about Setting and Preferences menu, Massing of Building Project.
• Students will learn about Doors, Windows, AEC Extended and Stair, Finishing of Massing, Materials Basics, Texture Mapping. Lighting Basic, Camera Basic, Rendering Basic.
• Students will learn about V-Ray, Render, V-ray Materials and Lights, Animation Basic, Key frame Animation, Work Throw Animation.
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History of Architecture - 1 (26142)
Course Conducted By
Md. Asaduzzaman Russel
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (AIDT 4th Semester)

Objectives of the Course
• To understand the Architectural characteristics of Egyptian Civilization.
• To understand the Architectural characteristics of West Asiatic Civilization.
• To understand the Architectural characteristics of Hellenic period of Greek Architecture.
• To understand the Architectural characteristics of Roman Civilization.
• Develop the knowledge of beginning of Islamic architecture during the Mughal period.
• To know the development of Islamic & indo Islamic architecture in East Bengal.
• To understand Architecture & the decorative arts of the 20th century.
• Know Architects Bio and their works. Modern Architects in Bangladesh and their works.

Short Description

Style of decorative arts; Egyptian Civilization Architecture; West Asiatic Architecture; History of Hellenic period of Greek Architecture; Architectural features of Roman Civilization; Development of Islamic architecture during Mughal period and Architecture in East Bengal.
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Interior Design - 3 (68751)
Subject Aims:
• Understand the planning of a shopping center.
• Understand the retail and self-service shop.
• Prepare a presentation drawing of a shopping center.
• Understand the planning of a health service.
• Prepare design of a health service.

Subject Outcome:
• Planning of shopping center and basic area of shopping center.
• Retail and self-service Shops, service detail of shopping center and shopping center signage.
• Interior component of retail shop and self-service shop.
• General conception of Hospitals; patient Rooms; Admitting Department of Hospital.
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Interior Design - 4 (68761)
Subject Aims:

• Students can design of an office building.
• Students can design the interior of an office building.
• Students can design the arrangement of furniture in an office building.

Subject Outcome:

• Students will understand the planning aspects.
• Students will know the design criteria.
• Students will learn about FAR and Space allowance.
• Students can plan the Office arrangements.
• Students can design Conference room.
• Students can design Ceiling and floor.
• Students will be aware of RAJUK rules.
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Web Mastering(66667)
This Course Conducted by
Muhammad Shahidul Islam/Johir Ahemmod Chowduri
Sr. Instructor of Computer Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

To be able to acquire the knowledge and skills on domain & domain registration. To be able to acquire the knowledge and skills on web hosting.
To be able to published web site.
To be able to admin Cpanel & dashboard.
To be able to upload web contents.
To be able to acquire the knowledge and skills on the integrity & security of a website. To be able to acquire the knowledge on cloud hosting & SEO.

Web mastering, domain & domain registration, web hosting, feature of hosting server, web publishing, administration cpanel, dashboard, cloud hosting, web maintenace & backup, SEO
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Basic Electronics (26811)
Course Conducted By
Md. Badeuzzamal Sarker
Instructor, Electrical Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Course Conducted By
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

 To provide the understanding skill on Electronic Components, Electronic measuring and testing equipment.
 To provide understanding and skill on the basic concept of semiconductor junction and to identify physically a
range of semiconductor diodes.
 To develop comprehensive knowledge and skill on special diodes and devices.
 To develop the abilities to construct different rectifier circuits.
 To provide understanding of the basic concept and principle of transistor and to identify physically a range of
 To provide understanding and skill on the basic concept of logic gates.


Electronic components; measuring and test equipment; color code and soldering; semiconductor; P-N junction
diode; special diodes and devices; power supply; transistor; transistor amplifier; logic gates.
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Advanced Yarn Manufacturing-I (21162)
Emam Shad Ahmed
Sr. Instructor & Head
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
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Textile Testing & Quality Control- II
Asif Shahriar
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
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Introduction to Textile Science
Emam Shad Ahmed
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
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Interior Design-1(26165)
Course Conducted By
Lima Akter
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (Architecture 6th Semester)

Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:
❖ Acquire knowledge and skill with understanding basic terminology used by architects and interior designers.
❖ Understand design process of a residence.
❖ Understand color of a residence.
❖ Understand Texture of a residence.
❖ Understand materials of a residence.
❖Identify the function of interior design to be able to understand the construction procedure of air condition system.
❖Verify Fundamental of this entire process is a working knowledge of construction materials
❖Plays a significant role in creating comfortable living or working environments.

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Basic Electricity (26711)
Course Conducted By
Pulak Biswas
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Course Conducted By
Rubel Hossen
ENT ,TCT , Textile Technology
Semester: 1st, 3rd
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

• To familiarize the basic quantities & laws and to apply them in solving problems of electrical circuits.
• To acquaint with electro-chemistry, electro-magnetism, electro-magnetic induction and electrostatic.
• To develop skill in electrical wiring.
• To appreciate the safety measures to be taken for electrical wiring

Electric current and ohm's law; conductors and insulators; basic electrical circuits; power and energy; basic electro-chemistry; electro-magnetism; electro-magnetic induction; electrostatics; wires and cables; hand tools used in wiring; house wiring; controlling devices; protective devices; earthing.
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Course Conducted By
Md. Shahriyar Rahman
Instructor, Electrical Technology.
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

● Develop and understand the concept of conducting materials.
● Develop and understand the concept of insulating materials.
● Develop and understand the concept of semiconducting materials.
● Understand the magnetic materials.
● Understand the transformer oil.
● Understand the optical fiber.

Conducting and no conducting materials, conduct materials, high resistive materials, magnetic materials, insulating
materials, transformer oil, semiconducting materials, optical fiber.
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Mathematics-2 (Diploma & Textile)
Course Conducted by
Farha Diba,
Sr. Instructor,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Engineering & Diploma in Textile Engineering (2nd Semester)
Subject code : 25921
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Network Security System (66676)
Subject Aims:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:
 To be able to understand computer network and information security.
 To be able to learn why network security is important
 To be able to explain network security prevention, detection and response.
 To be able to define and explain the concept of network confidentiality, information integrity, network availability, network auditability.
 To be able to understand management’s role in the development, implementation and maintenance of network security.
 To be able to understand security architecture, it’s principles, components and employment.
 To be able to understand the relationship between risks, threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures.
 To be able to understand the need for constantly evaluating the status of security management.
 To be able to understand the difference between policies, procedures, standards, guidelines, encryption, cryptography terms, firewalls.
 To be able to understand operation of Virtual Private Networks, importance of authentication and the characteristics of a good password.

Subject Outcome:
Network and information security, network security prevention, detection and response, the concept of network confidentiality, information integrity, network availability, network auditability, security architecture, relationship between risks, threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures, policies, procedures, standards, guidelines, encryption, cryptography terms, firewalls, Operation of Virtual Private Networks, authentication and the characteristics of a good password.
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Environmental Studies(69054)
Basic concepts of environment; Ecology & eco-systems; global environmental issues Air and atmospheric layers; Air pollution sources & effects; climate change,green house effect and depletion of ozone layer; Control of air pollution; Water pollution sources & effects; Monitoring of water pollution; Waste water treatment; Sound pollution and its control; Soil pollution and its management; Radioactive pollution and its control; Solid waste management; Major environmental issues and disaster management- Arsenic pollution; Pesticides pollution and its management, Environmental legislations and guidelines frame work and policy in Bangladesh.
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Database Management System (66654)
● To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the database system concept.
● To be able to familiarize with data models in database systems.
● To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Relational databases
● To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Integrity & security.
● To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Data storage, Transactions & concurrency
● Control and Database system architecture.

● Database system concept; Data models; Relational databases, Integrity & security, Data storage,
● Transactions & concurrency control, cursor and Database system architecture.
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Sequential Logic System (66653)
Subject Teacher : Md. Rajib Ahamed (Instructor)
Subject Name : Sequential Logic System.
Subject Code : 66653
Technology : Computer Technology.
Semester : 5th

BTEB Text Book Name : Sequential Logic System (Publisher: Technical Prokashani)
Reference Book/Note Name:
1. Digital principles and application − Albert PaulMalvino.
2. Digital Computer Electronics− Albert PaulMalvino.
3. Digital Systems–Ronald J.Tocci.
4. Modern Digital Electronics - R. P. Jain.
5. Class note paper.

Subject Aims:
• To be able to acquire the knowledge & skill on Flip Flop, counters, shift registers and their applications.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge & skill on semiconductor memories & ALU.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge & skill on A/D and D/A converters.
• To familiarize with PLD & simple computer (SAP-1& SAP-2).

Subject Outcome:
 Synchronous optical network;
 Integrated services digital network;
 Asynchronous transfer mode; Wireless internet;
 Multimedia communication over IP network;
 Computer telephony integration and unified messaging;
 Telecommunication management network and Information security.
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