
Instructor × Farha Diba × Mysha Tanjim ×
25911 Mathematics-1(Textile & Diploma)
Course Conducted by
M.M. Shahanuzzaman,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.

This Course for: Diploma in Engineering (1st Semester)
Course Aims:

To acquaint the students with the basic terminology of Algebra.
To be able to understand the complex numbers which are being used in electrical engineering.
To be able to understand the binomial expansion.
To be able to use the knowledge of trigonometry in solving problems of engineering importance.

Course Outcome:
Students will able to learn about Algebra and Trigonometry by studying this subject.
Detail discussions in Algebra will be: AP & GP, Polynomials & polynomial equations, Complex number, Permutation & Combination, Binomial
Theorem for positive integral index and negative & fractional index.
Detail discussions in Trigonometry will be: Ratio of associated angles, Compound angles, Transformation formulae, multiple angles and Submultiple angles.
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Mathematics-1(Diploma) 259121
Course Conducted by
Md.Abir Ul Islam
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
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Mathematics-2 (Diploma & Textile)
Course Conducted by
Farha Diba,
Sr. Instructor,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Engineering & Diploma in Textile Engineering (2nd Semester)
Subject code : 25921
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Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Power-1(66763)
Course Conducted By
Md.Husne Fahad
Electrical Technology.
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

My students will be able to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude in the area of transmission and distribution electrical power with special emphasizes on:
 Transmission and distribution systems of electrical power.
 Comparison of different types of transmission and distribution systems.
 Electrical and Mechanical design of overhead lines.
 Survey of transmission and distribution line routes.
 Voltage regulation and Efficiency of transmission lines.


Different systems of transmission; Aspect of transmission system; Mechanical design of overhead lines; support of overhead lines; conductors & conductor materials; Insulators; Effect of sag; Methods for survey of transmission/distribution line route; Voltage distribution of suspension insulator; Corona; Erection of poles and drawing of conductors of overhead lines; Electrical design of overhead line; Resistance of the line conductor; Skin effect of transmission line; Effect of inductance on transmission line; Effect of capacitance of overhead transmission line; Voltage regulation and efficiency of short transmission line.

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