
Johir Ahemmod Chowduri × kayum × Farha Diba ×
25911 Mathematics-1(Textile & Diploma)
Course Conducted by
M.M. Shahanuzzaman,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.

This Course for: Diploma in Engineering (1st Semester)
Course Aims:

To acquaint the students with the basic terminology of Algebra.
To be able to understand the complex numbers which are being used in electrical engineering.
To be able to understand the binomial expansion.
To be able to use the knowledge of trigonometry in solving problems of engineering importance.

Course Outcome:
Students will able to learn about Algebra and Trigonometry by studying this subject.
Detail discussions in Algebra will be: AP & GP, Polynomials & polynomial equations, Complex number, Permutation & Combination, Binomial
Theorem for positive integral index and negative & fractional index.
Detail discussions in Trigonometry will be: Ratio of associated angles, Compound angles, Transformation formulae, multiple angles and Submultiple angles.
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Mathematics-1(Diploma) 259121
Course Conducted by
Md.Abir Ul Islam
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
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Java Programming (28541)
This Course Conducted by
Johir Ahemmod Chowduri
Instructor of Computer Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

• To develop knowledge and skill on programming Basics in Java Language.
• To develop knowledge and skill to create, compile, debug & execute a java program.
Basics of Java Language, Data Structures in Java, Object Oriented Concepts in Java, Build and Packaging Tools, Threading, Generics, Lambda, Collections, I/O operations, networking in Java, Database communication in Java, RMI package, web server in Java, servlet.
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Mathematics-2 (Diploma & Textile)
Course Conducted by
Farha Diba,
Sr. Instructor,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Engineering & Diploma in Textile Engineering (2nd Semester)
Subject code : 25921
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