All Courses

Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Instructor × Shanta Islam × Md.Kamrul Hasan Khan × 1st Semester ×
Screen Printing (29541)

Printing technology has great demand in every sphere of our life. Whatever we use in our daily life there must have some connections with printing. There are

many types of printing technologies such as Letterpress printing, Screen printing, Offset printing, Gravure printing, and non-major printing process. The screen-
printing process has some specialties with various uses on all types of substrate or media. It has demands in garments printing industries, ceramic industries,

leather industries etc. The subject will enable the diploma engineers to acquire knowledge on gradual development of screen printing, to understand the
equipment and tools used in screen printing process, to understand Raw materials and chemicals for used screen printing, to understand the mesh materials &
screen to Understand the direct & indirect process for stencil making, to understand different screen-printing process and to understand printing ink and media
of Printing.
Video and Sound Editing ( 29643 )
Students are required to acquire the knowledge and skill on concept of basic video editing, workspace of video editing software, sequencing and real time editing, motion using still image & video, audio, video effect & transition, color theory & color balance in effect control, title & caption with alpha, sound technology, sound taking, rendering process. Have been given more emphasis on practical aspect rather than theory in teaching learning approach.