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Mst. Sazia Zarin Sarker × Tanzima Akter ×
English/Basic English/English 1
English 1
Course Code : 25712
English course deals with the basic grammar of the English language. The objective of this course is to make the students capable of using basic grammar.
Certification icon
English II
Course Conducted by -
Mst. Sazia Zarin Sarker
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

The objectives of the course are:
- Developing the basic language skills of the learners
- Increasing the accuracy of grammar
- Improving the spelling and pronunciation
- Developing the habit of creative writing
- Developing presentation skill
- Developing the public communication
English 2(Sazia Zarin)
Course Conducted by -
Mst. Sazia Zarin Sarker
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

The objectives of the course are:
- Developing the basic language skills of the learners
- Increasing the accuracy of grammar
- Improving the spelling and pronunciation
- Developing the habit of creative writing
- Developing presentation skill
- Developing the public communication