All Courses

Md. Josim Uddin × Md.Ashikur Rahman × Sharmin Akter × Daffodil Polytechnic Institute × Asif Shahriar × Shanta Islam ×
Advanced Knitting & Non Woven (1975)
Scouring; Souring; Bleaching; color & concept of color; Dye & dyeing; Direct dyes; Basic dyes; Acid dyes; Vat dyes and Reactive dyes.
Garments Dyeing Washing and Finishing (5072)
Instructor & Assessor
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute & BTEB Dhaka.
To be able to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the area of garments dyeing, washing and finishing with special emphasis on:
 garments dyeing, steaming & drying
 garments washing and finishing
 enzyme, De-Lusturing and brightening finish of garments
 drying machine and ironing of garments.
Garments washing; Stone wash; Chemical wash; Garments finishing; Enzyme finish; De-Lusturing finishing of garments; Brightening finish of garments; Garments dyeing; Steam of garments; Drying machine; Ironing of garments.
Fabric Structure and Analysis-01 (1966)
Course Created By
Asif Shahriar
Instructor, Textile & GDPM
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

● To develop the basic knowledge required for structural design of fabric.
● To develop the skill of the student in textile design.
● To familiarize the student with different Plain & Twill weave.
● To acquire knowledge of different structured fabrics.

Basic concept of Textile design; Artistic design; Drafting & lifting plan; Weave plan; Plain weave; Twill weave; Diamond; Diaper; Broken twill; Stepped twill & standard commercial fabrics.
Fabric Manufacturing 3 (1952)
Md.Ashikur Rahman
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Subject Aims:

1. To develop the basic knowledge regarding Fabric manufacturing
2. To develop knowledge & skill about different motions
3. To acquire knowledge to make different fabric shedding mechanisms, stop motion
Subject Outcome:1. To know the process of fabric manufacturing
2. Understand properly the process of stop motions, and shedding mechanisms.
Wet Processing-3
Course Conducted by
Asif Shahriar
Instructor (Textile & GDPM)
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Textile Engineering
Apparel Testing (5063)
Course Conducted by
Asif Shahriar
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in GDPM