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4th Civil × Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Shanta Islam × Uchingla Marma Rupu × Gulshan Ara Akhi ×
Advanced Surveying (26462)
Advanced surveying is the most important subject of the diploma in civil, architecture and surveying engineering student. It helps them to implement of projects and other stakeholders. It is a branch of surveying, the object of which is to establish or verify or measure the height, distance of specified points relative to a datum or reference points. It is widely used in cartography to measure geodetic height and in construction to measure height differences of construction artifacts. It is also used in different method, angle and bearing measurement with digital theodolite, traversing, topography by total station. It also deals with the GPS receiver to identify relative position of global format, GIS application in projects area, digital
mapping by survey drone and Multibeam Eco-sounder.
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to
1. Describe the Field Astronomy.
2. Interpret latitude and longitude of a place.
3. State the uses of digital theodolite.
4. Illustrate total station.
5. Explain Global Positioning System (GPS).
6. Explain Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
7. Describe Geodetic surveying.
8. Explain Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Surveying.
9. Describe the operation of survey drone.
10. State operation procedure of Multibeam Echo Sounder.
11. Determine height and distance of Tower /Building using total station.
12. Conduct a Digital Topographic Survey with total station and plot maps including
computation of areas.
13. Plot a Topographical survey map with the help of plotter/printer using different scale.
14. Perform layout plan of a high-rise Building
15. Measure the latitude and longitude of a place using GPS receiver.
16. Conduct a geodetic survey using GPS receiver and plot maps
17. Prepare a Base Map showing all features in standard GIS format.
18. Prepare a DEM map showing all existing /proposed infrastructure in GIS format.
19. Plot base/DEM map in different scale with plotter/ printer.
20. Transfer a SOB BM using leveling operation in a project area.
21. Perform GPS survey using RTK system.
22. Perform Drone survey using survey drone.
Hydrology (26446)
1. Rationale: Hydrology is an extremely important field of study, dealing with one of the most valuable resources on Earth water. All aspects of the Earth's available water are studied by experts from many disciplines, from geologists to civil engineers, to obtain the information needed to manage this vital resource. Thus, considering the importance above mentioned, this discipline has been included in the diploma level as a subject to be graduate in the sector. The syllabus includes concept of engineering hydrology, hydrology cycle, hydrometeorology, introduction to precipitation, measurement of precipitation, analysis and interpretation of rainfall data, stream flow measurement, evaporation and evapotranspiration, infiltration, rainfall and runoff relationship, hydrograph analysis and flood routing modules/contents, blue economy and Delta plan in Bangladesh to be studied in the teaching learning process.

2. Learning outcome (Theoretical): After undergoing the subject, students will be able to

 Describe origin, composition, classification and properties of soil.
 State plasticity characteristics of soil.
 Define hydraulic properties of soil.
 Describe consolidation and compaction characteristics of soil.
 Define lateral earth pressure of soil.
 Describe subsurface investigation and method of sample collection.
 Calculate the bearing capacity of soil.

3. Learning outcome (Practical): After undergoing the subject, students will be able to

 Determine the water content of soil by oven drying method.
 Determine the specific gravity of soil by Pycnometer method.
 Determine the particle size of soil by sieve analysis method.
 Determine the liquid limit and plastic limit of soil.
 Perform the co-efficient of permeability of soil by constant head test.
 Determine the bearing capacity of soil from Standard Penetration Test (SPT).
 Perform standard proctor test of the soil.
 Perform unconfined compression test of the soil.
 Perform unit weight of soil by core cutter method.
 Perform unit weight of soil by sand replacement method.