All Courses

Benojir Tabassum × Jayed Bin Murshed × S. M. Mahadi Hasan × Md. Obydullah Al Masum ×
Book Keeping & Accounting
Prepared by: Benojir Tabassum
Deffodil polytechnic institute
Prepared by: Benojir Tabassum
Instructor, Deffodil Polytechnic Institute
Textile Calculation (21164)
Md. Obydullah Al Masum
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

To develop basic knowledge of calculation about cotton spinning such as-

a) Blow room
b) Carding
c) Draw frame
d) Simplex
e) Ring frame.

To develop basic knowledge of calculation about different yarn numbering system & moisture relative of textiles.


Blow room calculation; Carding calculation; Drawing calculation; Simplex calculation; Ring frame calculation & calculation of yarn numbering.
Optic Fiber Communications
Optic Fiber Communications (69461)
Created by
Abdur Rahman
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Fiber optic communication; optical fiber waveguides; transmission characteristics of fiber optics; optical
fibers; optical fiber cables; optical fiber Joints; couplers and isolators; Optical source: LASER, LED;
Optical detection; Optical detector detection receiver performance; Optical amplification, wavelength
conversion and regeneration; intensity modulation/direct detection; Optical fiber measurements
Optical Networks.
Social Science 25811
Civic and Social Sciences; Individual and Society; Nation and Nationality; Citizenship; state and government; Law; Constitution Government and its organs;
public Opinion; Political Party; UNO And its organs; Scope and importance of Economics; Basic concepts of Economics- Utility, Wealth, consumption, income
wages and salary and savings; Production- meaning, nature, factors and laws; demand and supply; Current economic problems of Bangladesh; Role of Diploma
engineers in the economic development of Bangladesh; Occupations and career planning; Engineering team.
Accounting Theory And Practice (65851)
Accounting Theory And Practice (65851) / Bookkeeping And Accounting (5851)

 To be able to understand the principles and practices of book keeping and accounting.
 To be able to understand the procedures of general accounting, financial accounting and their applications.
 To be able to understand the concept of income tax, VAT and Public works accounts.

Concept of book keeping and accounting; Transactions; Entry systems; Accounts; Journal; Ledger; Cash Book; Trial Balance; Final Accounts; Cost Account and Financial Accounting; Income Tax; Public works Accounts.
Industrial Management (25852)
Industrial Management (65852)

* To be able to develop the working condition in the field of industrial or other organization.
* To be able to understand develop the labor management relation in the industrial sector.
* To be able to develop the management techniques in the process of decision making.
* To be able to manage the problems created by trade union.
* To be able to understand planning.
* To be able to perform the marketing.
* To able to maintain inventory.

Basic concept of management; Principles of management; planning, Organization, Scientific management; span of supervision; Motivation; Personal Management & human relation ; Staffing and manpower planning; Training of Staff; Concepts and techniques of decision making; Concept of Leadership; Concept of trade union; Inventory control; Economic lot size; Break even analysis; Trade Union and industrial dispute, Marketing.
Course Title: Business Communication (25831)
Prepared By: Benojir Tabassum
Deffodil Polytechnic Institute
To provide a foundation in scientific principals and processes for the understanding and application of technology. It will help our students to make a common base for further studies in technology and science. It also help to develop the basic knowledge of modern physics.
Textile Testing & Quality Control- 1 (21151)
Md. Obydullah Al Masum
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute & BTEB Dhaka.