All Courses

Muhammad Zayedul Haque × Abdur Rahman × Jayed Bin Murshed × Sadia Tahmid Torra ×
Telecommunication Basic(69411)
Telecommunication Basic(69411)
This created by
Abdur Rahman
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Telecommunication and its background; Terms of Communication; Signals and Systems; Communication
Frequency and Spectra; Modulation and Demodulation; Multiplexing/ De-multiplexing; Multiple Access
Techniques; Radio transmitter; Radio receiver; Network; Internet.
Digital Communication(69451)
Digital Communication(69451)
This created by
Abdur Rahman
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Introduction to digital communication, modulation technique; Pulse modulation; Pulse amplitude
modulation; Pulse width modulation; Pulse code modulation; Digital communication; Multiplexing in
communication system; Coder; Error detection and correction using block codes; Multiple access
techniques; Terrestrial radio communication system; Radio wave propagation; Electronic mail and
document communications.
Optic Fiber Communications
Optic Fiber Communications (69461)
Created by
Abdur Rahman
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Fiber optic communication; optical fiber waveguides; transmission characteristics of fiber optics; optical
fibers; optical fiber cables; optical fiber Joints; couplers and isolators; Optical source: LASER, LED;
Optical detection; Optical detector detection receiver performance; Optical amplification, wavelength
conversion and regeneration; intensity modulation/direct detection; Optical fiber measurements
Optical Networks.
General Textile Processing-I (21111)
Instructor & SEIP Trainer
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
 Identify machineries of cotton and jute yarn manufacturing.
 Identify process sequence for cotton and jute fibers.
 Identify grading, batch, batching, emulsion preparation and softening for jute yarn manufacturing.
 Determine winding packages.
 Identify warp beams.
 Demonstrate power looms.
 Identify maintenance tools and their uses.
 Observe machine gears
Textile Testing & Quality Control- 1 (1944)
Instructor & SEIP Trainer
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Subject Aims:
Basic aspects of textile testing, humidity, moisture in textiles, sampling, identification of textile fibers, fiber length & its measurement, fiber strength & its measurement, Trash, naps & their measurement, fiber fineness &its measurement, micromere value, fiber maturity

Subject Outcome:
Students will be understood with an opportunity to acquire knowledge & skill about Testing,
Techniques & System of Testing. Operating system of different modern Testing instruments,
Interpretation & Analysis of testing data uses & Maintenance of testing instruments.