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M.M. Shahanuzzaman × Farha Diba × Gulshan Ara Akhi × Md. Mine Uddin Jowel × Mishuk Roy ×
25911 Mathematics-1(Textile & Diploma)
Course Conducted by
M.M. Shahanuzzaman,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.

This Course for: Diploma in Engineering (1st Semester)
Course Aims:

To acquaint the students with the basic terminology of Algebra.
To be able to understand the complex numbers which are being used in electrical engineering.
To be able to understand the binomial expansion.
To be able to use the knowledge of trigonometry in solving problems of engineering importance.

Course Outcome:
Students will able to learn about Algebra and Trigonometry by studying this subject.
Detail discussions in Algebra will be: AP & GP, Polynomials & polynomial equations, Complex number, Permutation & Combination, Binomial
Theorem for positive integral index and negative & fractional index.
Detail discussions in Trigonometry will be: Ratio of associated angles, Compound angles, Transformation formulae, multiple angles and Submultiple angles.
Certification icon
Statistics - 3rd Textile (25916)
Course Conducted by
Farha Diba,
Sr. Instructor,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for Diploma in Textile Engineering , Garments Design & Pattern Making
Mathematics-1(Diploma) 259121
Course Conducted by
Md.Abir Ul Islam
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
Certification icon
Basics of Mathematics
Course Conducted by
M.M. Shahanuzzaman,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This basic of Mathematics Course. There are 3 important topics include in this Course, such as Geometry, Trigonometry & Algebra.
Course Conducted By
Md. Shahriyar Rahman
Instructor, Electrical Technology.
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

● Develop and understand the concept of conducting materials.
● Develop and understand the concept of insulating materials.
● Develop and understand the concept of semiconducting materials.
● Understand the magnetic materials.
● Understand the transformer oil.
● Understand the optical fiber.

Conducting and no conducting materials, conduct materials, high resistive materials, magnetic materials, insulating
materials, transformer oil, semiconducting materials, optical fiber.
Certification icon
Mathematics-2 (Diploma & Textile)
Course Conducted by
Farha Diba,
Sr. Instructor,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Engineering & Diploma in Textile Engineering (2nd Semester)
Subject code : 25921
Certification icon
Clothing II (1962)
Sabina Yasmin
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

• Our student will develop understanding and skill on operating different sewing machine. sewing of garments by using different types of sewing machine
• Our student can operating different sewing machine.
• Our student can get knowledge of different work aid of sewing machine.
• Our student can get knowledge of Interlining.
• Our student can get knowledge of Garments Finishing.
• Our student can get knowledge of care level code.

After completing the Course student will have knowledge about different sewing machine, sewing of garments by using different types of sewing machine, knowledge of different work aid of sewing machine, Interlining, Garments finishing & Garments care level code.
Diploma math
This Math for Diploma.
Mathematics-3 (Textile)
Course Conducted by
Farha Diba,
Sr. Instructor,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Textile Engineering
English 2 (25722)
Course Conducted by -
Mishuk Roy
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute


English II focuses on advancing students’ reading, writing, grammar and communication skills. The students will develop their grammatical skills, understand various comprehension and answer questions from them and also they will adopt various written techniques. Speaking and Presentation skills will also be watched over.

Course Conducted by
Mishuk ROy
Jr. Instructor
Department of GED

This syllabus's primary goal is to provide students the chance to utilize English in a variety of contexts. Each chapter in the curriculum is built around reading material and a variety of assignments and activities that allow the students to practice the various abilities, either alone or in groups or pairs. Grammar may now be utilized to study language in a more meaningful way thanks to this syllabus. As a result, rather of only learning the language's rules, students improve their language abilities via practice.

Learning Outcomes:
The Course Will Help Learners Improve Their;
• Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking skills.
• As well as Creative Writing.
• Grammatical Accuracy.
• Effective Communication.