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Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Md.Yasin Ali Shipon × Md. Mine Uddin Jowel × Mst.Dowlaton Nesa ×
Chemistry is a basic science subject which is essential to all engineering courses. It gives knowledge of
engineering material, their properties related application and selection of material for engineering
application. It is intended to teach student the quality of water and its treatment as per the requirement
and selection of various construction materials and their protection by metallic and organic coatings.
The topics covered will provide sufficient fundamental as well as background knowledge for the
particular branch.
Introduction To Finance
Designed to impart financial literacy to readers with no previous background in the subject, the text provides a solid foundation for students to build upon in later courses in financial management, investments, or financial markets. Equations and mathematical concepts are kept to a minimum, and include understandable, step-by-step solutions.