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Md. Rasel Sheikh × 6th Civil × Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Gulshan Ara Akhi × Uchingla marma Rupu ×
Design Of Structure - I
 To be able to understand the properties of reinforced cement concrete (RCC).
 To be able to select the suitable size of reinforced concrete beams & lintels with reinforcement.
 To be able to supervise the placing of reinforcement for beams & lintel.
Advanced Surveying (26462)
Advanced surveying is the most important subject of the diploma in civil, architecture and surveying engineering student. It helps them to implement of projects and other stakeholders. It is a branch of surveying, the object of which is to establish or verify or measure the height, distance of specified points relative to a datum or reference points. It is widely used in cartography to measure geodetic height and in construction to measure height differences of construction artifacts. It is also used in different method, angle and bearing measurement with digital theodolite, traversing, topography by total station. It also deals with the GPS receiver to identify relative position of global format, GIS application in projects area, digital
mapping by survey drone and Multibeam Eco-sounder.
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to
1. Describe the Field Astronomy.
2. Interpret latitude and longitude of a place.
3. State the uses of digital theodolite.
4. Illustrate total station.
5. Explain Global Positioning System (GPS).
6. Explain Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
7. Describe Geodetic surveying.
8. Explain Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Surveying.
9. Describe the operation of survey drone.
10. State operation procedure of Multibeam Echo Sounder.
11. Determine height and distance of Tower /Building using total station.
12. Conduct a Digital Topographic Survey with total station and plot maps including
computation of areas.
13. Plot a Topographical survey map with the help of plotter/printer using different scale.
14. Perform layout plan of a high-rise Building
15. Measure the latitude and longitude of a place using GPS receiver.
16. Conduct a geodetic survey using GPS receiver and plot maps
17. Prepare a Base Map showing all features in standard GIS format.
18. Prepare a DEM map showing all existing /proposed infrastructure in GIS format.
19. Plot base/DEM map in different scale with plotter/ printer.
20. Transfer a SOB BM using leveling operation in a project area.
21. Perform GPS survey using RTK system.
22. Perform Drone survey using survey drone.
Civil Engineering Drawing -3 (66464)
Course Conducted By
Nishat Akter Munia
Jr. Instructor
Architecture & Interior Design Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering(6th civil)

To be able to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Civil Engineering Drawing with
Special emphasis on:
• Building Plan,
• detail drawing of staircase, Kitchen, Toilet
• Plumbing drawing, Electrical drawing,
• working drawing with Auto CAD
• Building Approval Sheet.
• Rendering,
• Layout and Plotting.