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Shazzad Hossain × 1st Civil × Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Md. Emon Khan × Instructur ×
Civil Engineering Materials (26411)
Civil Engineering diploma holders have to supervise construction of various types of civil works involving use of various materials like stones, bricks, sand, cement, lime, tiles, timber and wood-based products, paints and varnishes, metals and other miscellaneous materials, The students should have requisite knowledge, regarding characteristics, uses and availability of various building material and skills introducing tests to determine suitability at materials for various construction purposes. In addition, specifications of various materials should also be known (PWD/BNBC) for effective quality control.

• To be able to identify and classify the materials used for construction in civil engineering field.
• To be able to recognize the sources of various civil engineering materials.
• To be able to understand the characteristics of various civil engineering materials.
• To be able to understand the uses of different civil engineering materials.

Learning Outcome (Theoretical)
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to
• State different construction materials and their properties.
• Interpret different type of stones.
• Mention different types of bricks and Blocks.
• Describe field and laboratory tests of stone, bricks, sand, and cement.
• Illustrate different types of timber.
• Discuss different type of defects of timber.
• Explain paints/varnishes for various types of surfaces.
• State and explain different types of Modern building materials such
as ceramic, glass, metals and plastic, Tiles, Geo-Textile, Paint
Insulating materials and chemical.

Learning Outcome (Practical)
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to
1. Identify the various types of stone.
2. Demonstrate laboratory test of stone.
3. Perform field test and laboratory test of Bricks.
4. Practice field test and laboratory test of Cement.
5. Observe field test and laboratory test of Sand.
6. Perform laboratory test of mild steel.
7. Identify the various types of wood and artificial wood.

Aspects of engineering materials; Engineering uses of Stone; Bricks; Sand; Cement; Timber; Aluminum
as construction materials, Timber & Wood based materials; Glass and ceramics; Paints and varnishes.
Plastic materials; Alloy & Mattel; Insulating materials; Geo-Textile; Lime and water proofing