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Avijit Roy × KH Mehedi Hasan × Md Istiak Tanvir × Md. Rabiul Islam ×
Java Programming 28541
Java Programming (28541)
This Course Conducted by
Md Istiak Tanvir
jt.Instructor of Computer Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

• To develop knowledge and skill on programming Basics in Java Language.
• To develop knowledge and skill to create, compile, debug & execute a java program.
Basics of Java Language, Data Structures in Java, Object Oriented Concepts in Java, Build and Packaging Tools, Threading, Generics, Lambda, Collections, I/O operations, networking in Java, Database communication in Java, RMI package, web server in Java, servlet.
Computer Networking (28562)
Subject Teacher : Md. Rabiul Islam (Instructor)
Subject Name : Computer Networking.
Subject Code : 28562
Technology : Computer Technology.
Semester : 6th

BTEB Text Book Name : Computer Networking (Publisher: Technical Prokashani)
Reference Book/Note Name:
1. Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz A. Forouzan
2. Computer Networks - Andrew S.Tanenbaum
5. Cisco Certificate Network Associate study Guide - Todd Lammle

• To be able to acquire the knowledge on Computer network Basics.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on Network topologies
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on network topologies and protocols.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on MODEM, Hub, Switch, NIC and Repeater.
• To be able to Install and configure windows server ,Configure windows firewall, defender and ping, Establish a Peer to Peer/Workgroup LAN

Learning outcome:
Learning Outcome (Theroy)
After Completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. State Computer network basics.
2. Explain Network topologies.
3. Describe OSI model.
4. Interpret communication and network protocols
5. Explain Physical layer and Data Link layer
6. Describe Network layer and Transport layer
7. Interpret Presentation layer and Session Layer
8. Discuss Network devices.
9. Illustrate Sub-netting, VLSMs, and Summarization.
10. Analyze the Features of Client Server Network.

Learning Outcome (Practical)
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Identify different types of connectors.
2. Identify Network hardware’s
3. Prepare network cables
4. Establish a Peer to Peer/Workgroup LAN
5. Perform the task to Work with a Peer/Workgroup LAN
6. Perform Installation and configuration of windows server
7. Connect internet to the existing Lan.
8. Configure windows firewall, defender and ping.
9. Manage cloud network (google/yahoo drive).
10. Establish a client–Server Local Area Network.

Web Design & Development - 29662
Web Design & Development - 29662
This Course Conducted by
Md Istiak Tanvir
jr.Instructor of Computer Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

A graphic designer has to work with web designing, image manipulating, online
advertising etc. That’s why students have to know about web designing &
development. This subject includes design and front-end development of web pages,
using XHTML/XML/CSS along with graphics software; physical and logical character
effects in XHTML/XML pages; use of ordered and unordered list, table, forms, radio
button, submit button and checkbox in web pages; use of validation check, managing
document spacing, linking image, adding sound and video to a page or other pages
and multimedia objects and use of cascading style sheet in web page.