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Muhammad Shahidul Islam × Avijit Roy × 5th Computer × Diploma × Md. Rabiul Islam ×
Web Mastering(66667)
This Course Conducted by
Muhammad Shahidul Islam/Johir Ahemmod Chowduri
Sr. Instructor of Computer Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

To be able to acquire the knowledge and skills on domain & domain registration. To be able to acquire the knowledge and skills on web hosting.
To be able to published web site.
To be able to admin Cpanel & dashboard.
To be able to upload web contents.
To be able to acquire the knowledge and skills on the integrity & security of a website. To be able to acquire the knowledge on cloud hosting & SEO.

Web mastering, domain & domain registration, web hosting, feature of hosting server, web publishing, administration cpanel, dashboard, cloud hosting, web maintenace & backup, SEO
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Surveillance Security System(28565)

Subject Name : Surveillance Security System
Subject Code : 28565
Technology : Computer
Semester : 6th

Subject Aims:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Interact with the customer in order to identify and understand their requirements.
• Ensure customer satisfaction
• Install and Repair dysfunctional system.
• Identify dysfunctional components through visual inspection and by use of multi meter
• To understand surveillance system installation requirement in terms of equipment, system, tools, applications appropriate for a particular site
• Install and Configure access control device and software
• Select Suitable cameras & DVR/NVR to provide the better solution to the customers.
• Read and Comprehend signs, labels and warning
• Communicate effectively
• Follow behavior etiquettes while interacting with others
• Establishing good working relationships with colleagues within and outside the department by
Coordinating Surveillance system Installation Technician

Subject Outcome:
Basic concepts of Designing the surveillance security System, Aims of a surveillance camera system, System design elements, Conditions for equipment selections, Camera Installation, Functions of video surveillance, Types of Camera, Lens, sensors & their functions, DVR, NVR interface, Principles of remote access, networking Basic.
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Network Administration & Services(66672)
Subject Name : Network Administration & Services
Subject Code : 66672
Technology : Computer
Semester : 7th

Subject Aims:
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
 To be able to design computer network system
 To be able to acquire the knowledge on Network Administration.
 To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on Different routing protocol.
 To be able to acquire the knowledge on learning, forwarding and filtering decision.
 To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on network Security.
 To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on Router, Switch, NIC and Cabling.
 To be able to establish and implement Link Redundancy.

Subject Outcome:
Network Basics; Sub-netting, VLSM, Summarization; Internet Routing Protocol, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), VLANs and Inter-VLAN routing, network address translator (NAT), network security, Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), Link and Gateway Redundancy.
Network Security System (66676)
Subject Aims:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:
 To be able to understand computer network and information security.
 To be able to learn why network security is important
 To be able to explain network security prevention, detection and response.
 To be able to define and explain the concept of network confidentiality, information integrity, network availability, network auditability.
 To be able to understand management’s role in the development, implementation and maintenance of network security.
 To be able to understand security architecture, it’s principles, components and employment.
 To be able to understand the relationship between risks, threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures.
 To be able to understand the need for constantly evaluating the status of security management.
 To be able to understand the difference between policies, procedures, standards, guidelines, encryption, cryptography terms, firewalls.
 To be able to understand operation of Virtual Private Networks, importance of authentication and the characteristics of a good password.

Subject Outcome:
Network and information security, network security prevention, detection and response, the concept of network confidentiality, information integrity, network availability, network auditability, security architecture, relationship between risks, threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures, policies, procedures, standards, guidelines, encryption, cryptography terms, firewalls, Operation of Virtual Private Networks, authentication and the characteristics of a good password.
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Hydrology (26446)
1. Rationale: Hydrology is an extremely important field of study, dealing with one of the most valuable resources on Earth water. All aspects of the Earth's available water are studied by experts from many disciplines, from geologists to civil engineers, to obtain the information needed to manage this vital resource. Thus, considering the importance above mentioned, this discipline has been included in the diploma level as a subject to be graduate in the sector. The syllabus includes concept of engineering hydrology, hydrology cycle, hydrometeorology, introduction to precipitation, measurement of precipitation, analysis and interpretation of rainfall data, stream flow measurement, evaporation and evapotranspiration, infiltration, rainfall and runoff relationship, hydrograph analysis and flood routing modules/contents, blue economy and Delta plan in Bangladesh to be studied in the teaching learning process.

2. Learning outcome (Theoretical): After undergoing the subject, students will be able to

 Describe origin, composition, classification and properties of soil.
 State plasticity characteristics of soil.
 Define hydraulic properties of soil.
 Describe consolidation and compaction characteristics of soil.
 Define lateral earth pressure of soil.
 Describe subsurface investigation and method of sample collection.
 Calculate the bearing capacity of soil.

3. Learning outcome (Practical): After undergoing the subject, students will be able to

 Determine the water content of soil by oven drying method.
 Determine the specific gravity of soil by Pycnometer method.
 Determine the particle size of soil by sieve analysis method.
 Determine the liquid limit and plastic limit of soil.
 Perform the co-efficient of permeability of soil by constant head test.
 Determine the bearing capacity of soil from Standard Penetration Test (SPT).
 Perform standard proctor test of the soil.
 Perform unconfined compression test of the soil.
 Perform unit weight of soil by core cutter method.
 Perform unit weight of soil by sand replacement method.
Computer Networking (28562)
Subject Teacher : Md. Rabiul Islam (Instructor)
Subject Name : Computer Networking.
Subject Code : 28562
Technology : Computer Technology.
Semester : 6th

BTEB Text Book Name : Computer Networking (Publisher: Technical Prokashani)
Reference Book/Note Name:
1. Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz A. Forouzan
2. Computer Networks - Andrew S.Tanenbaum
5. Cisco Certificate Network Associate study Guide - Todd Lammle

• To be able to acquire the knowledge on Computer network Basics.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on Network topologies
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on network topologies and protocols.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on MODEM, Hub, Switch, NIC and Repeater.
• To be able to Install and configure windows server ,Configure windows firewall, defender and ping, Establish a Peer to Peer/Workgroup LAN

Learning outcome:
Learning Outcome (Theroy)
After Completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. State Computer network basics.
2. Explain Network topologies.
3. Describe OSI model.
4. Interpret communication and network protocols
5. Explain Physical layer and Data Link layer
6. Describe Network layer and Transport layer
7. Interpret Presentation layer and Session Layer
8. Discuss Network devices.
9. Illustrate Sub-netting, VLSMs, and Summarization.
10. Analyze the Features of Client Server Network.

Learning Outcome (Practical)
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Identify different types of connectors.
2. Identify Network hardware’s
3. Prepare network cables
4. Establish a Peer to Peer/Workgroup LAN
5. Perform the task to Work with a Peer/Workgroup LAN
6. Perform Installation and configuration of windows server
7. Connect internet to the existing Lan.
8. Configure windows firewall, defender and ping.
9. Manage cloud network (google/yahoo drive).
10. Establish a client–Server Local Area Network.

Sensor & IoT System(28563)

Subject Name : Sensor & IoT System
Subject Code : 28563
Technology : Computer
Semester : 6th

Subject Aims:

Sensor & IoT System is the most significant area of diploma in Computer Science &
Technology. To work with Sensor & IoT System should have the knowledge, skills and
attitude of Sensor and IoT, IoT Architecture, Raspberry pi and Arduino, IoT Architecture, IoT
devices, Connectivity in IoT, Security in IoT , Data analytics in IoT, IIoT in agriculture, IoT
standards and interoperability, Regulatory and ethical considerations, Future trends in IoT
and IIoT.

Subject Outcome:

After Completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Interpret Sensor and IoT
2. Illustrate IoT Architecture
3. Interpret Raspberry pi and Arduino.
4. Explain IoT Architecture
5. Explain IoT devices and sensors
6. Describe connectivity in IoT
7. Illustrate security in IoT
8. Describe data analytics in IoT
9. Explain IIoT in agriculture
10. Explain IoT standards and interoperability
11. Explain regulatory and ethical considerations
12. Describe future trends in IoT and IIoT
Learning Outcome(Practical):
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Assemble a basic IoT sensor node using Arduino.
2. Assemble a basic IoT sensor node using raspberry pi.
3. Establish a simple wireless IoT network using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
4. Use Python or other tools to analyze sensor data.
5. Integrate IoT devices with cloud platforms.
6. Design a basic IIoT solution using a Raspberry Pi as the edge device and the Google
Cloud IoT platform for cloud integration.
7. Develop a system to control and monitor home appliances remotely using IoT
8. Construct a weather station to collect and shares real-time weather data using IoT
sensors, providing local weather information.
9. Implement an IoT-based solution to monitor soil moisture, temperature, and other
environmental factors for optimizing agricultural practices.
10. Design a smart parking solution to uses IoT sensors to detect and relay information
about available parking spaces in real-time.
11. Implement a system to optimize traffic flow by monitoring and controlling traffic
signals based on real-time data.
12. Create a quality control system in manufacturing that utilizes IIoT sensors to ensure
product consistency and reliability.

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