Over Picking Mechanism || OriginStudio

Picking is the second primary motion in weaving. The action of inserting weft yarn through the warp yarns is called picking.
Over picking mechanism.
Main Parts:
1)Picking arm
2)Picking strap
4)Bottom shaft
5)Picking spindle
7)Picking cam
8)Vertical shaft
12)Crank shaft

Features of Over Picking Mechanism:
1)Picking arm is over shuttle.
2)Suitable for narrow loom.
3)Higher picks per minute.
4)Less power required.
5)Works more smoothly.
6)Shortening the picking strap and changing the shape of the cam can increase picking force.

How to Increase PPM:
1)By increasing motor speed.
2)By setting the cone stud nearer to the picking tappet.
3)By decreasing the picking strap.
4)By altering the position of picking arm towards the centre of the loom.
5)By decreasing the length of the stroke of picking tappet.

This is used for narrow and fast running looms, weaving light and medium weight fabrics and for many narrow and wide looms for weaving heavy fabrics.
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