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Zannatul Ferdous × kayum × Shanta Islam × ×
Architectural Design and Drawing - 1 (68712)
Subject Aims:
• Develop the ability to use various drawing instruments and equipment.
• Enable Design and Drawing Media
• Enable the elements of drawing
• Enable in constructing and using various types of scales in drawing.
• Provide the ability to construct various geometrical figures.
• Enable to adopt various symbols used in drawing.
• Provide the skill of freehand sketching with shades and shadows.
• Provide the basic skills of drawing orthographic views.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about Architectural Design and Drawing Equipment.
• Students will learn about Design and Drawing Media.
• Students will learn about Element of Design, concept of View, reproduction, Lettering, numbering and constructing.
• Students will adopting alphabet of lines and Dimensioning.
• Students will learn about Constructing scales, constructing geometrical figures and constructing conic sections.
• Students will adopting Symbols, Freehand sketching (with shades and shadows).
Certification icon
Architecture Rendering & Animation - 2 (68772)
Subject Aims:
• Develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Computer Rendering & Animation (3D Max and V-ray) with special emphasis on - 3D modeling.
• Develop knowledge and skill on Materials and mapping.
• Develop knowledge and skill on light, camera and render.
• Develop knowledge and skill V-Ray; and animation.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling & Animation Software.
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling, Tool Panels & It’s Sub Tools.
• Students will learn about Modeling with primitives and 3D Max main tool bar.
• Students will learn about Modeling with Spline, Compound Object and Modifier Stack.
• Students will learn about Setting and Preferences menu, Massing of Building Project.
• Students will learn about Doors, Windows, AEC Extended and Stair, Finishing of Massing, Materials Basics, Texture Mapping. Lighting Basic, Camera Basic, Rendering Basic.
• Students will learn about V-Ray, Render, V-ray Materials and Lights, Animation Basic, Key frame Animation, Work Throw Animation.
Certification icon
Computer Rendering and Animation-I (26162)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering Architecture 6th semester

Subject Aims:

• Students able to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Computer Rendering & Animation (Sketch up)
• With special emphasis on students understand drawing environments and drawing aids.
• Students can understand different setup of drawing in Sketch up.
• Students can drawing commands, modification & edits of drawing.
• Students can know about V‐Ray, printing the drawing elements.

Subject Outcome:

• Students will understand the drawing environments and drawing aids.
• Students will know different setup of drawing in Sketch up.
• Students will learn drawing commands.
• Students can use modification & edits of drawing; camera, material assign, lighting setup.
• Students can use V‐ray; camera, lighting, Rendering etc.
Interior Design - 3 (68751)
Subject Aims:
• Understand the planning of a shopping center.
• Understand the retail and self-service shop.
• Prepare a presentation drawing of a shopping center.
• Understand the planning of a health service.
• Prepare design of a health service.

Subject Outcome:
• Planning of shopping center and basic area of shopping center.
• Retail and self-service Shops, service detail of shopping center and shopping center signage.
• Interior component of retail shop and self-service shop.
• General conception of Hospitals; patient Rooms; Admitting Department of Hospital.
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Digital Presentation & Visual Technique (68754)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture & Interior Design Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (AIDT 5th Semester)
Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:
❖ Understand the Graphic Design.
❖ Knowing about Design software.
❖ Understand the Editing software.
❖ Learn the Commercial printing output.
Interior Graphics(68732)
Interior Graphics
Subject Code: 68732

This Course for: Diploma in Architecture and Interior Design Technology (3rd Semester)

Objective of the Course:
• Develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of the graphical representation of architectural design & drafting.
• Creativity
• Elements of design.
• Principles of Design
• Proportion and scale
• Composition
• Color
• Rendering and presentation

Creativity, creative process and theories, rhythm, emphasis, proportion, appearance, unity, variety, repetition, opposition, transition, form, shape & space, transformation of forms, balance, rule of thirds, scale and Proportion, golden section, composition, color, rendering and presentation.

To provide a foundation in scientific principals and processes for the understanding and application of technology. It will help our students to make a common base for further studies in technology and science. It also help to develop the basic knowledge of modern physics.
Architectural Design-1 (26121)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering Architecture 2nd semester

Objectives of the Course
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

Learning Outcome (Theoretical):
 Understand Architectural terminology.
 Familiar with Building components.
 Explain Plan, Elevation, Section.
 Explain Different circulations.
 Describe Design principals.

Learning Outcome (Practical):
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
 Draw Architectural Drawing.
 Draw Plan, Elevation, Section.
 Draw detail drawings.
 Design single room house.
 Draw Building component.
 Draw and Differentiate the Similar terms of building.