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Shahonewas Seraj Subarna × S. M. Abul Kalam Azad × Md. Abdul Hakim × Mst.Dowlaton Nesa × Jakir Hossen ×
Chemistry is a basic science subject which is essential to all engineering courses. It gives knowledge of
engineering material, their properties related application and selection of material for engineering
application. It is intended to teach student the quality of water and its treatment as per the requirement
and selection of various construction materials and their protection by metallic and organic coatings.
The topics covered will provide sufficient fundamental as well as background knowledge for the
particular branch.
Social science-5821
Subject Aims:

To provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding on:
• Importance of civics and its relationship with other social sciences.
• The relationship of an individual with other individuals in a society
• Social organizations, state and government,
• Rule of law, public opinion and political parties
• UNO and its roles
• The basic concepts and principles of economics and human endeavor in the economic system
• The realities of Bangladesh economy and the current problems confronting the country
• The role of Diploma Engineers in industries
• Occupations and career planning for Diploma Engineers

Subject Outcome:

Civic and Social Sciences; Individual and Society; Nation and Nationality; Citizenship; state and
government; Law; Constitution; Government and its organs; public Opinion; Political Party; UNO
And its organs;
Scope and importance of Economics; Basic concepts of Economics- Utility, Wealth, consumption, income wages and salary and savings; Production- meaning, nature, factors and laws; demand and supply; Current economic problems of Bangladesh; Role of Diploma engineers in the economic development of Bangladesh; Occupations and career planning; Engineering team.
Mst. Shahonewas Seraj Subarna
You're enrolled
Last Update 01/28/2021
Members 1
Mathematics-2(Diploma) (25921)
Course Conducted by
Rabeya Alam
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Engineering(2nd Semester)
Algebra: ,Exponential Series.
Differential Calculus: Function and limit of a function, differentiation with the help of limit, differentiation of functions, geometrical interpretation of dx/dy, successive
differentiation and Leibnitz theorem, partial differentiation.
Integral Calculus : Fundamental integrals, integration by substitutions, integration by parts, integration by partial fraction, definite integrals.
Social Science - 1 (5811)
Subject Aims:

To provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding on:
Importance of civics and its relationship with other social sciences.
The relationship of an individual with other individuals in a society
Social organizations, state and government,
Rule of law, public opinion and political parties
UNO and its roles
The basic concepts and principles of economics and human endeavor in the economic system
The realities of Bangladesh economy and the current problems confronting the country
The role of Diploma Engineers in industries
Occupations and career planning for Diploma Engineers

Subject Outcome:

Civic and Social Sciences; Individual and Society; Nation and Nationality; Citizenship; state and government; Law; Constitution Government and its organs; public Opinion; Political Party; UNO And its organs; Scope and importance of Economics; Basic concepts of Economics- Utility, Wealth, consumption, income wages and salary and savings; Production- meaning, nature, factors and laws; demand and supply; Current economic problems of Bangladesh; Role of Diploma engineers in the economic development of Bangladesh; Occupations and career planning; Engineering team.

Environmental Management - 5840
The aims are to enable candidates to acquire: • knowledge of natural systems which make life possible on Earth • an understanding that humans are part of these systems and depend on them • an appreciation of the diverse influences of human activity on natural systems • an awareness of the need to manage natural systems • an understanding of sustainable development to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs • a sense of responsibility and concern for the welfare of the environment and all organisms • an awareness of their own values concerning environmental issues • an awareness of the values of others • a willingness to review their own attitudes in the light of new knowledge and experiences • a sound basis for further study, personal development and participation in local and global environmental concerns.

Basic concepts of environment; Ecology & eco-systems; global environmental issues Air and atmospheric layers; Air pollution sources & effects; climate change, green house effect and depletion of ozone layer; Control of air pollution; Water pollution sources & effects; Monitoring of water pollution; Waste water treatment; Sound pollution and its control; Soil pollution and its management; Radioactive pollution and its control; Solid waste management; Major environmental issues and disaster management- Arsenic pollution; Pesticides pollution and its management, Environmental legislations and guidelines frame work and policy in Bangladesh.