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Muhammad Zayedul Haque × Md. Rasel Ali × Benojir Tabassum × Kajoly Akter ×
Book Keeping & Accounting
Prepared by: Benojir Tabassum
Deffodil polytechnic institute
Prepared by: Benojir Tabassum
Instructor, Deffodil Polytechnic Institute
General Textile Processing-I (21111)
Instructor & SEIP Trainer
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
 Identify machineries of cotton and jute yarn manufacturing.
 Identify process sequence for cotton and jute fibers.
 Identify grading, batch, batching, emulsion preparation and softening for jute yarn manufacturing.
 Determine winding packages.
 Identify warp beams.
 Demonstrate power looms.
 Identify maintenance tools and their uses.
 Observe machine gears
Social Science 25811
Civic and Social Sciences; Individual and Society; Nation and Nationality; Citizenship; state and government; Law; Constitution Government and its organs;
public Opinion; Political Party; UNO And its organs; Scope and importance of Economics; Basic concepts of Economics- Utility, Wealth, consumption, income
wages and salary and savings; Production- meaning, nature, factors and laws; demand and supply; Current economic problems of Bangladesh; Role of Diploma
engineers in the economic development of Bangladesh; Occupations and career planning; Engineering team.
Accounting Theory And Practice (65851)
Accounting Theory And Practice (65851) / Bookkeeping And Accounting (5851)

 To be able to understand the principles and practices of book keeping and accounting.
 To be able to understand the procedures of general accounting, financial accounting and their applications.
 To be able to understand the concept of income tax, VAT and Public works accounts.

Concept of book keeping and accounting; Transactions; Entry systems; Accounts; Journal; Ledger; Cash Book; Trial Balance; Final Accounts; Cost Account and Financial Accounting; Income Tax; Public works Accounts.
Industrial Management (25852)
Industrial Management (65852)

* To be able to develop the working condition in the field of industrial or other organization.
* To be able to understand develop the labor management relation in the industrial sector.
* To be able to develop the management techniques in the process of decision making.
* To be able to manage the problems created by trade union.
* To be able to understand planning.
* To be able to perform the marketing.
* To able to maintain inventory.

Basic concept of management; Principles of management; planning, Organization, Scientific management; span of supervision; Motivation; Personal Management & human relation ; Staffing and manpower planning; Training of Staff; Concepts and techniques of decision making; Concept of Leadership; Concept of trade union; Inventory control; Economic lot size; Break even analysis; Trade Union and industrial dispute, Marketing.
Textile Testing & Quality Control- 1 (1944)
Instructor & SEIP Trainer
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Subject Aims:
Basic aspects of textile testing, humidity, moisture in textiles, sampling, identification of textile fibers, fiber length & its measurement, fiber strength & its measurement, Trash, naps & their measurement, fiber fineness &its measurement, micromere value, fiber maturity

Subject Outcome:
Students will be understood with an opportunity to acquire knowledge & skill about Testing,
Techniques & System of Testing. Operating system of different modern Testing instruments,
Interpretation & Analysis of testing data uses & Maintenance of testing instruments.
Course Title: Business Communication (25831)
Prepared By: Benojir Tabassum
Deffodil Polytechnic Institute