All Courses

Muhammad Zayedul Haque × Abdur Rahman × Md.Ashikur Rahman × Shuva Sarker × S. M. Mahadi Hasan ×
Basic Electronics (26811)
Course Conducted By
Md. Badeuzzamal Sarker
Instructor, Electrical Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Course Conducted By
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

 To provide the understanding skill on Electronic Components, Electronic measuring and testing equipment.
 To provide understanding and skill on the basic concept of semiconductor junction and to identify physically a
range of semiconductor diodes.
 To develop comprehensive knowledge and skill on special diodes and devices.
 To develop the abilities to construct different rectifier circuits.
 To provide understanding of the basic concept and principle of transistor and to identify physically a range of
 To provide understanding and skill on the basic concept of logic gates.


Electronic components; measuring and test equipment; color code and soldering; semiconductor; P-N junction
diode; special diodes and devices; power supply; transistor; transistor amplifier; logic gates.
Certification icon
Textile Raw Materials- 1 (1911)
Md.Ashikur Rahman
Department of Textile Engineering and GDPM
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Our students will be able to develop knowledge, skill, and attitude in the field of garments manufacturing with special emphasis on:
 textile raw materials.
 different natural textile fibers.
 different natural fibers properties.
 natural filament yarn production.

To understand the basic concepts of Cotton fibers; Jute fibers; Linen and Hemp fiber; Sisal and coir fibers; Wool fibers; Silk fibers.
Multimedia Application (69475)
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Department
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
Fabric Structure and Analysis-01 (1966)
Course Created By
Asif Shahriar
Instructor, Textile & GDPM
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

● To develop the basic knowledge required for structural design of fabric.
● To develop the skill of the student in textile design.
● To familiarize the student with different Plain & Twill weave.
● To acquire knowledge of different structured fabrics.

Basic concept of Textile design; Artistic design; Drafting & lifting plan; Weave plan; Plain weave; Twill weave; Diamond; Diaper; Broken twill; Stepped twill & standard commercial fabrics.
Telecom workshop and outside plant (29431)
This created by
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
Telecommunication Basic(69411)
Telecommunication Basic(69411)
This created by
Abdur Rahman
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Telecommunication and its background; Terms of Communication; Signals and Systems; Communication
Frequency and Spectra; Modulation and Demodulation; Multiplexing/ De-multiplexing; Multiple Access
Techniques; Radio transmitter; Radio receiver; Network; Internet.
Fabric Manufacturing 3 (1952)
Md.Ashikur Rahman
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Subject Aims:

1. To develop the basic knowledge regarding Fabric manufacturing
2. To develop knowledge & skill about different motions
3. To acquire knowledge to make different fabric shedding mechanisms, stop motion
Subject Outcome:1. To know the process of fabric manufacturing
2. Understand properly the process of stop motions, and shedding mechanisms.
Digital Communication(69451)
Digital Communication(69451)
This created by
Abdur Rahman
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Introduction to digital communication, modulation technique; Pulse modulation; Pulse amplitude
modulation; Pulse width modulation; Pulse code modulation; Digital communication; Multiplexing in
communication system; Coder; Error detection and correction using block codes; Multiple access
techniques; Terrestrial radio communication system; Radio wave propagation; Electronic mail and
document communications.
Mobile Communication Networks (68451)
Mobile Communication Networks
This created by
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Concept of mobile communication and network; Cellular concept and its initial implementations; Digital
cellular mobile systems; Cordless communications systems (CT2, DECT, PACS and PHS); Mobile data
communication systems; Third generation mobile communication system; telecommunication
management network (TMN) and signaling system; concept of TDMA cellular mobile communication;
concept of CDMA cellular mobile communication; Global mobile satellite systems; Numbers and
identities for mobile communication services; performance benchmarks for mobile; Traffic engineering
and tracking system.
Radio & TV Engineering (29441)
(69441)Television Transmission And Reception
Created by
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Television system, Working principles of TV cameras, picture tube, transmitters and receivers,
Television signal, Television Signal Generation, Transmission and Propagation, Modern Television –
Transmission and Reception, Advanced Television systems and digital studio equipments, Cable
Television, teletext broadcast services, Satellite home receiving system and its networking, Video
recording & play back (VHS, Bmax, U-matic , video 2000, DV and HDV), Storage system, Television
studio and Automation and Features of remote control
Networks, Filters & Transmission Lines (66841)
(66841)Networks, Filters & Transmission Lines
Created by
Shuva Sarker
Junior Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Network theorems, Four terminal networks; Half section network; Attenuators and filters; Transmission line; Line
constant & impedance matching; Antenna; Propagation of radio wave; Effect of earth curvature & ionosphere on
wave propagation.
Communication Engineering (26842)
Communication Engineering (26842)
Created by
Shuva Sarker
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.

Communication networks; Modulation; Demodulation Receiver and Transmitter; Telephone system;
Digital communication; Communication switching system; Optical fiber; Satellite communication; Digital
Communication, Modem and mobile communications.
Basics of Telecommunication (29411)
Course Conducted By
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (TCT 1st Semester)
Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:

Basic Telephony (1G, 2G, 3G, 4G,LTE And UMTS)
o Wireless and Cellular/Mobile Radio
o Wi-MAX, Wi-Fi, VOIP, PCS
o Local and Long-Distance Communications
o Image Communications
o Transmission Media , Media Gateway Control Protocol
o Telephone switching
o Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and VoIP Gateway
o Telephony and Telegraph system, (NWD, ISD and PSTN)
o Telecommunication standardization organization
o OSI Model
o Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission , function , Acts, mission and vision of BTRC
Digital Electronics-1 (26831)
Course Conducted By
MD. Badeuzzamal Sarker
Electrical Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (CMT 4th Semester)
Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:
You will get concept of digital electronics; Logic gates, Boolean algebra and logic simplification &Combinational logic circuits.
Wireless and Mobile Communication (29462)
Course Conducted By
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (TCT 6th Semester)
Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:
Introduction to Wireless communication, Modern wireless communication system, third generation(3G) wireless
network, fourth generation(4G) wireless network, cellular network, Amplitude Modulation(AM), Frequency
Modulation(FM), Linear Modulation technique, Constant envelope modulation technique, equalization, diversity
and channel coding, polarization diversity, frequency diversity, time diversity, different types of multiple access,
packet radio protocols, several types of wireless network, wireless system standard and 4th Industrial Revolutions.
Microwave and Antennas
Course Conducted By
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (TCT 6th Semester)
Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:

Concept of Microwave, Microwave components; Wave guide; Microwave tubes; Microwave
measurements; Semiconductor microwave devices; Propagation models: Microwave antenna.
General Textile Processing-I (21111)
Instructor & SEIP Trainer
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
 Identify machineries of cotton and jute yarn manufacturing.
 Identify process sequence for cotton and jute fibers.
 Identify grading, batch, batching, emulsion preparation and softening for jute yarn manufacturing.
 Determine winding packages.
 Identify warp beams.
 Demonstrate power looms.
 Identify maintenance tools and their uses.
 Observe machine gears
Textile Testing & Quality Control- 1 (1944)
Instructor & SEIP Trainer
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Subject Aims:
Basic aspects of textile testing, humidity, moisture in textiles, sampling, identification of textile fibers, fiber length & its measurement, fiber strength & its measurement, Trash, naps & their measurement, fiber fineness &its measurement, micromere value, fiber maturity

Subject Outcome:
Students will be understood with an opportunity to acquire knowledge & skill about Testing,
Techniques & System of Testing. Operating system of different modern Testing instruments,
Interpretation & Analysis of testing data uses & Maintenance of testing instruments.
IT Support and IoT Basics (29441)
Course Conducted By
Shuva Sarker
Jr. Instructor
Telecommunication Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (TCT 4th Semester)
Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:
This is a sector specific course of diploma in engineering program required for enabling the
graduates to use and work with ICT. It includes Concept of digital electronics, Number system
and binary arithmetic operation, Arithmetic codes and code conversion, Concept of logic gates,
Electronic circuit of logic gates, Digital ic’s Logic families, Logic simplification & circuit design,
Combinational logic circuits, Encoder and decoder, Multiplexers and DE-Multiplexer, Sequential
logic circuits. This course designed emphasis will be more on teaching practical aspect rather
than theory.
To provide a foundation in scientific principals and processes for the understanding and application of technology. It will help our students to make a common base for further studies in technology and science. It also help to develop the basic knowledge of modern physics.