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Shazzad Hossain × Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Md. Abdul Hakim × Tithy Chakrabartty × Mst. Sazia Zarin Sarker ×
Mathematics-2(Diploma) (25921)
Course Conducted by
Rabeya Alam
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Engineering(2nd Semester)
Algebra: ,Exponential Series.
Differential Calculus: Function and limit of a function, differentiation with the help of limit, differentiation of functions, geometrical interpretation of dx/dy, successive
differentiation and Leibnitz theorem, partial differentiation.
Integral Calculus : Fundamental integrals, integration by substitutions, integration by parts, integration by partial fraction, definite integrals.
English 2(Sazia Zarin)
Course Conducted by -
Mst. Sazia Zarin Sarker
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

The objectives of the course are:
- Developing the basic language skills of the learners
- Increasing the accuracy of grammar
- Improving the spelling and pronunciation
- Developing the habit of creative writing
- Developing presentation skill
- Developing the public communication