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Md. Rasel Sheikh × Johir Ahemmod Chowduri × Shanta Islam × Md. Obydullah Al Masum ×
Architectural Design and Drawing - 1 (68712)
Subject Aims:
• Develop the ability to use various drawing instruments and equipment.
• Enable Design and Drawing Media
• Enable the elements of drawing
• Enable in constructing and using various types of scales in drawing.
• Provide the ability to construct various geometrical figures.
• Enable to adopt various symbols used in drawing.
• Provide the skill of freehand sketching with shades and shadows.
• Provide the basic skills of drawing orthographic views.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about Architectural Design and Drawing Equipment.
• Students will learn about Design and Drawing Media.
• Students will learn about Element of Design, concept of View, reproduction, Lettering, numbering and constructing.
• Students will adopting alphabet of lines and Dimensioning.
• Students will learn about Constructing scales, constructing geometrical figures and constructing conic sections.
• Students will adopting Symbols, Freehand sketching (with shades and shadows).
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Architecture Rendering & Animation - 2 (68772)
Subject Aims:
• Develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Computer Rendering & Animation (3D Max and V-ray) with special emphasis on - 3D modeling.
• Develop knowledge and skill on Materials and mapping.
• Develop knowledge and skill on light, camera and render.
• Develop knowledge and skill V-Ray; and animation.

Subject Outcome:
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling & Animation Software.
• Students will learn about 3D Modeling, Tool Panels & It’s Sub Tools.
• Students will learn about Modeling with primitives and 3D Max main tool bar.
• Students will learn about Modeling with Spline, Compound Object and Modifier Stack.
• Students will learn about Setting and Preferences menu, Massing of Building Project.
• Students will learn about Doors, Windows, AEC Extended and Stair, Finishing of Massing, Materials Basics, Texture Mapping. Lighting Basic, Camera Basic, Rendering Basic.
• Students will learn about V-Ray, Render, V-ray Materials and Lights, Animation Basic, Key frame Animation, Work Throw Animation.
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Computer Rendering and Animation-I (26162)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering Architecture 6th semester

Subject Aims:

• Students able to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Computer Rendering & Animation (Sketch up)
• With special emphasis on students understand drawing environments and drawing aids.
• Students can understand different setup of drawing in Sketch up.
• Students can drawing commands, modification & edits of drawing.
• Students can know about V‐Ray, printing the drawing elements.

Subject Outcome:

• Students will understand the drawing environments and drawing aids.
• Students will know different setup of drawing in Sketch up.
• Students will learn drawing commands.
• Students can use modification & edits of drawing; camera, material assign, lighting setup.
• Students can use V‐ray; camera, lighting, Rendering etc.
Interior Design - 3 (68751)
Subject Aims:
• Understand the planning of a shopping center.
• Understand the retail and self-service shop.
• Prepare a presentation drawing of a shopping center.
• Understand the planning of a health service.
• Prepare design of a health service.

Subject Outcome:
• Planning of shopping center and basic area of shopping center.
• Retail and self-service Shops, service detail of shopping center and shopping center signage.
• Interior component of retail shop and self-service shop.
• General conception of Hospitals; patient Rooms; Admitting Department of Hospital.
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Java Programming (28541)
This Course Conducted by
Johir Ahemmod Chowduri
Instructor of Computer Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

• To develop knowledge and skill on programming Basics in Java Language.
• To develop knowledge and skill to create, compile, debug & execute a java program.
Basics of Java Language, Data Structures in Java, Object Oriented Concepts in Java, Build and Packaging Tools, Threading, Generics, Lambda, Collections, I/O operations, networking in Java, Database communication in Java, RMI package, web server in Java, servlet.
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Advanced Database Management System
This Course Conducted by
Johir Ahemmod Chowduri
Instructor of Computer Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

• To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Relational and XML Database.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Normalization & Query Optimization
• To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Transaction and Concurrency control.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Crash Recovery and Backup, Security and
• To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill in the Parallel and Distributed Databases, Mobile &
• Intelligent Databases, Object Oriented DBMS, Database applications.
Relational and XML Database, Normalization, Query Optimization, Transaction and Concurrency control, Crash Recovery and Backup, Security and Privacy, Parallel and Distributed Databases, Mobile & Intelligent Databases, Object Oriented DBMS, Database applications.
Advanced Short Staple Spinning (1972)
Md. Obydullah Al Masum
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
Fashion and Design
Basic concept of fashion style and accessories; Product and design development; Fashion mercendising and market promotion; Fashion drawing from life; Fabric representation; Fashion illustration
Digital Presentation & Visual Technique (68754)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture & Interior Design Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (AIDT 5th Semester)
Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:
❖ Understand the Graphic Design.
❖ Knowing about Design software.
❖ Understand the Editing software.
❖ Learn the Commercial printing output.
E-Commerce and CMS (66674)

 Understand the E-Commerce and E-Commerce Transition in the World.
 Recognize the benefits and limitations of E-Commerce.
 Analyze different E-Commerce business models
 Analyze different E-commerce Payment System.
 Understand the E-Commerce Security System.
 Understand the concept of CMS.


Textile Calculation-2 (1977)
Md. Obydullah Al Masum
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute & BTEB Dhaka.

To develop the basic knowledge to calculate :
a) Winding b) Warping
c) Sizing d) Loom and knitting production.
e) Read count and heald count. f) Fabric calculation
g) Fabric requirement in garment. h) Sewing thread consumption
i) Costing j) Gearing Calculation

Calculation of winding; Calculation of warping; Calculation of sizing;Calculation of heald count and Reed count; Calculation of loom and
knitting productions,Cloth calculation; Calculation of cloth requirement in garments; Sewing thread consumption & costing.
Interior Graphics(68732)
Interior Graphics
Subject Code: 68732

This Course for: Diploma in Architecture and Interior Design Technology (3rd Semester)

Objective of the Course:
• Develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of the graphical representation of architectural design & drafting.
• Creativity
• Elements of design.
• Principles of Design
• Proportion and scale
• Composition
• Color
• Rendering and presentation

Creativity, creative process and theories, rhythm, emphasis, proportion, appearance, unity, variety, repetition, opposition, transition, form, shape & space, transformation of forms, balance, rule of thirds, scale and Proportion, golden section, composition, color, rendering and presentation.

Wet Processing-1 (21341)
Course Conducted by
Md. Obydullah Al Masum
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute & BTEB Dhaka.
Architectural Design-1 (26121)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering Architecture 2nd semester

Objectives of the Course
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

Learning Outcome (Theoretical):
 Understand Architectural terminology.
 Familiar with Building components.
 Explain Plan, Elevation, Section.
 Explain Different circulations.
 Describe Design principals.

Learning Outcome (Practical):
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
 Draw Architectural Drawing.
 Draw Plan, Elevation, Section.
 Draw detail drawings.
 Design single room house.
 Draw Building component.
 Draw and Differentiate the Similar terms of building.
Garments CAD & CAM-II
Md. Obydullah Al Masum
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute & BTEB Dhaka.
Advanced Fabric Manufacturing-I (21261)
Md. Obydullah Al Masum
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute