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5th Civil × Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Md. Khairul Islam × Architecture Technology × Md. Zahidul Islam × Shanta Islam ×
Computer Rendering and Animation-I (26162)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering Architecture 6th semester

Subject Aims:

• Students able to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the field of Computer Rendering & Animation (Sketch up)
• With special emphasis on students understand drawing environments and drawing aids.
• Students can understand different setup of drawing in Sketch up.
• Students can drawing commands, modification & edits of drawing.
• Students can know about V‐Ray, printing the drawing elements.

Subject Outcome:

• Students will understand the drawing environments and drawing aids.
• Students will know different setup of drawing in Sketch up.
• Students will learn drawing commands.
• Students can use modification & edits of drawing; camera, material assign, lighting setup.
• Students can use V‐ray; camera, lighting, Rendering etc.
Interior Design-1(26165)
Course Conducted By
Lima Akter
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (Architecture 6th Semester)

Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course students will be able to:
❖ Acquire knowledge and skill with understanding basic terminology used by architects and interior designers.
❖ Understand design process of a residence.
❖ Understand color of a residence.
❖ Understand Texture of a residence.
❖ Understand materials of a residence.
❖Identify the function of interior design to be able to understand the construction procedure of air condition system.
❖Verify Fundamental of this entire process is a working knowledge of construction materials
❖Plays a significant role in creating comfortable living or working environments.

Certification icon
Design of Structure – 2
 To be able to select suitable reinforcement and section required for reinforced cement concrete
solid floor / roof slab.
 To be able to select suitable reinforcement and section required for reinforced cement concrete
 To be able to select suitable reinforcement and section required for reinforced cement concrete
stair slab.
 To be able to select suitable reinforcement and section required for reinforced cement concrete
footing for brick wall and reinforced cement concrete wall.
 To be able to select suitable reinforcement and section required for reinforced cement concrete
column footing.
 To be able to select suitable reinforcement and section required for reinforced cement concrete
cantilever retaining wall.
 To be able to supervise the placement of reinforcement for all types of reinforced cement
concrete works..
 To be able to acquire preliminary knowledge about pre-stressed concrete.
Theory of Structure [66454]
Subject Teacher : Md. Zahidul Isam, Jr. Instructor
Subject Name : Theory of Structure
Subject Code : 66454
Technology : Architecture
Semester :6th

• To be able to consolidate and extend the fundamental understanding of the behavior of statically
determinate structures i.e. beams, frames etc.
• To be able to develop of awareness of structural behavior such as deflection and stability of
masonry dam.
• To be able to develop understanding for selection of suitable section of beam and member of the
Shear force and bending moment of beams; Stresses in beams; Deflection of beams; Joints and
connections; Forces in frames; Steel structure; Masonry dam; Column; Moving loads; Thin Cylindrical
Diploma in Engineering holders have to use land survey for implement project. So, provide the student with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skill to: Work with chain, plane table and Compass survey, Cadastral survey, record surveyed data and plotting map. Locate unknown points. Create the area using instruments, Calculate the area using different Methods.
Foundation Engineering (26451)
 To be able to understand the foundation and foundation engineering.
 To be able to understand the soil stabilization.
 To be able to understand and the bearing capacity of soil.
 To be able to understand the factors determining types of foundation.
 To be able to understand the foundation on sand and non-plastic soil, plastic soil, non-uniform soil,
 To be able to understand the excavating and bracing.
 To be able to understand the sheet pile wall, cofferdam and bulk head.
 To be able to understand the damages due to construction operations.

Foundation and foundation engineering; Factors determining the types of foundation; Soil stabilization;
Bearing capacity of soil; Foundation on sand and non-plastic silt; Foundation on clay and plastic silt;
Foundation on non-uniform soil; Foundation on rock; Excavation and bracing; Sheet pile, cofferdam &
bulkhead; Damages due to construction operations.
Transportation Engineering-1
Subject Teacher : Md. Zahidul Islam, Jr. Instructor
Subject Name : Transportation Engineering-1
Subject Code : 66462
Technology : Civil
Semester : 6th

Subject Aims:

• To be able to understand the standard types of construction used in Bangladesh for road & pavement, bridge
& culvert to assess the advantages and disadvantages of each type.
• To be able to understand the procedure, methods & techniques used in Construction of road & pavement,
Drainage system, bridges & culverts, Embankment & cuttings.
• To be able to understand the importance of traffic control system.
• To be able to understand the maintenance, servicing & repair procedure, methods & techniques used to keep the highway operational.
• To be able to acquaint with the different aspects of airport construction.
Subject Outcome:
Modes of transportation and history of road development; Highway planning; Road Alignment and survey; Highway geometrics; Sub-grade soil; Highway materials, Construction of road formation & classification of road; Low cost road; Water bound macadam road; Bituminous road; Cement concrete road; Hill road; Highway drainage; Traffic control; Road arboriculture; Highway machinery; Highway failures & maintenance; Highway bridges & culverts; Planning of airport; Geometric standard in airport, airport building & warehouses.
Landscape Design
Course Conducted By
Nishat Akter Munia
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering(6th Arch)

Landscape design course aims to make students understand how to consider impact of built environment while designing different types of site and waterbody. Main focus of the course is to enable students to get into the decision making process considering aspects of more environmental based layouts. Major emphasis of the course includes sitedesign development and topographic view. Student will understand institutionalstructures in the context of Bangladesh climate and context along with formal expression of the soil structure. Importance should be given to building materials and technology and be able to design innovative ideas that respond to the need of the landscape.
Architectural Design-1 (26121)
Course Conducted By
Shanta Islam
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering Architecture 2nd semester

Objectives of the Course
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

Learning Outcome (Theoretical):
 Understand Architectural terminology.
 Familiar with Building components.
 Explain Plan, Elevation, Section.
 Explain Different circulations.
 Describe Design principals.

Learning Outcome (Practical):
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
 Draw Architectural Drawing.
 Draw Plan, Elevation, Section.
 Draw detail drawings.
 Design single room house.
 Draw Building component.
 Draw and Differentiate the Similar terms of building.
Architectural Design-2 (26131)
Course Conducted By
Lima Akter & Nishat Akter Munia
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (Architecture 3th semester)

The subject will enable the diploma Architecture students to improve architectural
design and drawing skill by enhancing his imagination and accumulation of knowledge.
Concept and mind maps that are some of these methods guide students to think and
explore. The student to establish an analysis–synthesis–evaluation relationship and
improve his intellectual and visual perception abilities. Learners can be expressed of
the relationships between a design product (in this case, an architecture), its purpose,
the designer's (architect's) conceptualization and the contextual constraints on
realizing the purpose. Skilled students can apply their knowledge and experience in
Architectural different sector.
Working Drawing-2(26143)
Course Conducted By
Nishat Akter Munia
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering(4th Arch)

After Completing the subject, students will be able to:
 State Site Plan of a multistoried Residential building.
 Explain staircase of a multistoried Residential building.
 Describe Fire Escape for multistoried residential building.
 Interpret lift for residential building.
 Discuss door and window.
 Explain Electrical fixture and fittings.
 State sanitary and plumbing layout.
 Discuss RCC sub-structure.
 Discuss RCC super-structure.
 Interpret construction site visi
Architectural Design-III(26141)
Subject Aims:

• State shelter/shed/canopy.
• Describe structural consideration for shed/canopy.
• Describe the religious building.
• Describe planning of Mosque.
• Describe design feature of a mosque.
• Explain stair.
• Discuss Building by-laws and Building Approval.
• Describe basic terms of building by-laws about building construction act.

Subject Outcome:

• Students will understand the structural consideration for shed/canopy.
• Students will know the religious building.
• Students will learn planning of Mosque.
• Students will learn design feature of a mosque.
• Students will learn Building by-laws and Building Approval.
• Students will understand the basic terms of building by-laws about building construction act.