All Courses

Emam Shad Ahmed × Md. Josim Uddin × Rumana Rashid Tandra × Architecture × Nasrin Sultana ×
Advanced Yarn Manufacturing-I (21162)
Emam Shad Ahmed
Sr. Instructor & Head
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
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Introduction to Textile Science
Emam Shad Ahmed
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
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Clothing II (1962)
Sabina Yasmin
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

• Our student will develop understanding and skill on operating different sewing machine. sewing of garments by using different types of sewing machine
• Our student can operating different sewing machine.
• Our student can get knowledge of different work aid of sewing machine.
• Our student can get knowledge of Interlining.
• Our student can get knowledge of Garments Finishing.
• Our student can get knowledge of care level code.

After completing the Course student will have knowledge about different sewing machine, sewing of garments by using different types of sewing machine, knowledge of different work aid of sewing machine, Interlining, Garments finishing & Garments care level code.
Sanitary Engineering (66472)
Course Conducted by
Md. Josim Uddin
Jr. Instructor,
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
This Course for: Diploma in Engineering (7th Semester,Civil)

 To be able to compare various methods and techniques used to treat and dispose of sewage and control of
water pollution and select appropriate methods for given situations.
 To be able to identify various sewer pipes, fittings, procedures of construction, repair, replacement
and maintenance of sewage disposal system.
 To be able to determine the size of circular sewer pipes, septic tanks and soak pit of sewage
disposal system.
 To be able to compare various types of pit latrine and biogas generating plants.
 To be able to understand the basic concept of solid waste and management.
 To be able to understand the basic concept of ETP

Sewage; Sewer pipe; Sewer appurtenance; Flow in sewer; Construction of sewer; Maintenance of
sewer; Characteristics of sewage; Sewage disposal; Preliminary Sewage treatment system; Secondary
treatment system; Sludge treatment and disposal; Effluent Treatment Plant; Water pollution and its
effects on the environment; Rural sanitation; Health and hygiene; Generation of biogas; Sources and
classification of solid waste; Municipal and industrial solid waste; different steps of solid management.
Yarn Manufacturing 3 (1951)
Emam Shad Ahmed
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

To enable the students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skill and attitude in the area of yarn manufacturing with special emphasis on
• Roving Frame/Speed frame/Simplex
• Ring frame
• Conditioning
• Winding
• Reeling
• Bundling and baling
• Waste

The basic concept of ring-spinning frame; Component parts of the ring-spinning frame; Drafting and roller setting; Ring, traveler & spindle of ring-spinning frame; Faults, change places and waste in spinning; Conditioning of yarn; Winding; Reeling; Bundling and baling; jute spinning frame; Draft & Twist of spinning frame; Building & winding; Technical aspects of spinning frame; Waste in cotton spinning.
Production Planning & Control (7074)
Emam Shad Ahmed
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

1. To develop the basic knowledge regarding production control
2. To develop knowledge & skill about different planning
3. To acquire knowledge to make different inventory control
4. To acquire knowledge to know different production calculation

Production system; division of labor; production planning; localization of industry; time study and motion study; selection of factory site; factory building; plant layout; equipment layout; operation of the factory; production control; quality control; cost control; inventory control; materials handling; case study.
Construction Process-1(26433)
Construction process-I is the pre-requisite of Construction process-II. Civil Engineering diploma graduates have to supervise construction of various project works involving use of various construction work based on quality. It does have physical parts with which we can make an appropriate shelter, service for the client to use it. So, to know how to build a construction project, one must know about Concrete, its types, properties, use of concrete, brick masonry, block masonry, different type of partition wall, drywall etc. This set of knowledge and skill to gives confidence to understand and construct a project. The students should have requisite knowledge regarding characteristics, uses and availability of various building item of work for construction purposes. In addition, specifications of various materials should also be known (BNBC/PWD) for effective quality control. To perform above task, it is essential that students should have knowledge of various item of work like concrete, masonry, block masonry, partition wall etc., and their constructional details. Therefore, the subject of Construction Process-I is very important for Civil Engineering diploma Graduates.
Foundation Engineering (26451)
 To be able to understand the foundation and foundation engineering.
 To be able to understand the soil stabilization.
 To be able to understand and the bearing capacity of soil.
 To be able to understand the factors determining types of foundation.
 To be able to understand the foundation on sand and non-plastic soil, plastic soil, non-uniform soil,
 To be able to understand the excavating and bracing.
 To be able to understand the sheet pile wall, cofferdam and bulk head.
 To be able to understand the damages due to construction operations.

Foundation and foundation engineering; Factors determining the types of foundation; Soil stabilization;
Bearing capacity of soil; Foundation on sand and non-plastic silt; Foundation on clay and plastic silt;
Foundation on non-uniform soil; Foundation on rock; Excavation and bracing; Sheet pile, cofferdam &
bulkhead; Damages due to construction operations.
Fundamental Construction Process-66446
At the end of course the students will be able to:
 apply relevant theory and practice of concrete construction and its quality control methods.
 perform skills for construction work and its supervision.
 understand the process, techniques and materials used in different types of masonry, Floor, Doors &

Concrete, Brick masonry, Foundation, Painting & varnishing, Insulation, Floor, Doors, Windows.
Emam Shad Ahmed
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

Subject Aims:
Basic aspects of textile testing, humidity, moisture in textiles, sampling, identification of textile fibers, fiber length & its measurement, fiber strength & its measurement, Trash, naps & their measurement, fiber fineness &its measurement, micromere value, fiber maturity

Subject Outcome:
Students will be understood with an opportunity to acquire knowledge & skill about Testing,
Techniques & System of Testing. The operating system of different modern Testing instruments,
Interpretation & Analysis of testing data use & Maintenance of testing instruments.
Clothing 1 (1954)
Sabina Yasmin
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

To enable the student a clear idea of garments.
To develop basic knowledge and skill of garment cloth.
To develop basic knowledge of garment accessories.

Garments; Garment accessories; Tailoring process; Patternmaking; Marker; Cutting machines; Fabric spreading; Seam & sewing.
Architectural Graphics (26132)
Course Conducted By
Nishat Akter Munia
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (Architecture 3th semester)

The subject will enable the diploma Architecture students to develop their creativity as
they investigate and solve design challenges. Studying Architectural graphics can help
the student develop strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as give
them the opportunity to explore their creativity. It’s a creative field that allows
express students’ ideas and vision through a medium
Hydrology (26446)
1. Rationale: Hydrology is an extremely important field of study, dealing with one of the most valuable resources on Earth water. All aspects of the Earth's available water are studied by experts from many disciplines, from geologists to civil engineers, to obtain the information needed to manage this vital resource. Thus, considering the importance above mentioned, this discipline has been included in the diploma level as a subject to be graduate in the sector. The syllabus includes concept of engineering hydrology, hydrology cycle, hydrometeorology, introduction to precipitation, measurement of precipitation, analysis and interpretation of rainfall data, stream flow measurement, evaporation and evapotranspiration, infiltration, rainfall and runoff relationship, hydrograph analysis and flood routing modules/contents, blue economy and Delta plan in Bangladesh to be studied in the teaching learning process.

2. Learning outcome (Theoretical): After undergoing the subject, students will be able to

 Describe origin, composition, classification and properties of soil.
 State plasticity characteristics of soil.
 Define hydraulic properties of soil.
 Describe consolidation and compaction characteristics of soil.
 Define lateral earth pressure of soil.
 Describe subsurface investigation and method of sample collection.
 Calculate the bearing capacity of soil.

3. Learning outcome (Practical): After undergoing the subject, students will be able to

 Determine the water content of soil by oven drying method.
 Determine the specific gravity of soil by Pycnometer method.
 Determine the particle size of soil by sieve analysis method.
 Determine the liquid limit and plastic limit of soil.
 Perform the co-efficient of permeability of soil by constant head test.
 Determine the bearing capacity of soil from Standard Penetration Test (SPT).
 Perform standard proctor test of the soil.
 Perform unconfined compression test of the soil.
 Perform unit weight of soil by core cutter method.
 Perform unit weight of soil by sand replacement method.
Sustainability in Textile Industry- 21342
Conduct by,
Emam Shad Ahmed
Sr. Instructor & Head

About Course: The textile industry is a significant contributor to the global economy, but it also has a significant impact on the environment being a second largest polluting industry in the world. The use of substantial amounts of water, energy, chemicals, and fibers in textile production leads to pollution and negative impacts on natural resources. Additionally, the industry also has a large carbon footprint due to the energy consumption requirement for production and transportation.

Incorporating sustainability into the textile industry is essential for protecting the socio-economic and environment economic viability. By implementing sustainable practices, textile companies can reduce their environmental impact, improve their social responsibility, and improve their bottom line.

This course aims at providing fundamental knowledge on sustainability principles as well as their application in the textile value chain. Furthermore, it highlights the emerging sustainability issues such as sustainable raw materials, energy efficient machines, renewable energy concept, responsible sourcing, and product development etc. in textile and apparel sector.