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Zannatul Ferdous × 5th Civil × Daffodil Polytechnic institute × Sadia Tahmid Torra × Architecture ×
Theory of Structure [66454]
Subject Teacher : Md. Zahidul Isam, Jr. Instructor
Subject Name : Theory of Structure
Subject Code : 66454
Technology : Architecture
Semester :6th

• To be able to consolidate and extend the fundamental understanding of the behavior of statically
determinate structures i.e. beams, frames etc.
• To be able to develop of awareness of structural behavior such as deflection and stability of
masonry dam.
• To be able to develop understanding for selection of suitable section of beam and member of the
Shear force and bending moment of beams; Stresses in beams; Deflection of beams; Joints and
connections; Forces in frames; Steel structure; Masonry dam; Column; Moving loads; Thin Cylindrical
Foundation Engineering (26451)
 To be able to understand the foundation and foundation engineering.
 To be able to understand the soil stabilization.
 To be able to understand and the bearing capacity of soil.
 To be able to understand the factors determining types of foundation.
 To be able to understand the foundation on sand and non-plastic soil, plastic soil, non-uniform soil,
 To be able to understand the excavating and bracing.
 To be able to understand the sheet pile wall, cofferdam and bulk head.
 To be able to understand the damages due to construction operations.

Foundation and foundation engineering; Factors determining the types of foundation; Soil stabilization;
Bearing capacity of soil; Foundation on sand and non-plastic silt; Foundation on clay and plastic silt;
Foundation on non-uniform soil; Foundation on rock; Excavation and bracing; Sheet pile, cofferdam &
bulkhead; Damages due to construction operations.
Architectural Graphics (26132)
Course Conducted By
Nishat Akter Munia
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (Architecture 3th semester)

The subject will enable the diploma Architecture students to develop their creativity as
they investigate and solve design challenges. Studying Architectural graphics can help
the student develop strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as give
them the opportunity to explore their creativity. It’s a creative field that allows
express students’ ideas and vision through a medium