All Courses

Md.Rajib Ahamed × Md. Rasel Ali × Md. Jihad Hasan × Architecture ×
General Textile Processing-1

To understand the flow-chart of yarn manufacturing; Ginning; Mixing and Blending; Blow-
Room; Batch & Batching; Cotton & Jute carding; Cotton and Jute drawing & doubling; Lap forming;

Combing; Simplex; Ring frame; Jute spinning frame; Yarn numbering system. To understand the basic
concepts of Winding; Warping; Sizing; Drafting & Denting; Weaving and knitting.
System Analysis & Design (66671)
Subject Teacher : Md.Rajib Ahamed (Instructor).
Subject Name : System Analysis and Design.
Subject Code : 66671
Technology : Computer.
Semester : 7th

Reference Book Name :
1). System Analysis and Design (Publisher: Hoque Publication).
2). System Analysis and Design - Elias M. Awad
3). Analysis and Design of Information Systems - V. Rajaraman
4). System Analysis and Design Methods - Whitten, Bently, Barlow

Subject Aims:
To provide the students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skill and attitude in the fields of system analysis, design and computer based development with special emphasis on system concept, system development life cycle, system analysis, system design & Development, implementation & Information security and object-oriented system design.

Subject Outcome:
System concept, system development life cycle, system analysis, system design & Development, implementation& Information security and object-oriented system design.
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Textile Design & Color - 1973
Course Created By
Jihad Hasan
Instructor, (Textile Technology)
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

1. To familiarize the students with the drawing instrument and their uses.
2. To develop the skill of the student in making designs.
3. To give the students a clear concept about light and color.
4. To familiarize with color and weave effects.
5. The students able to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the area of Textile design and color.


Basic concept of drawing instruments and their uses; Designing; Motif and repeat of a design; Construction of design from incomplete repeats; Light and color phenomena; Theory of color; Color harmony and contrast of color; Color and weave effect; Check-stripe and shaded design.
Data Communication System for 4th CMT-A / 6th TCT (66644)
Subject Teacher: Md. Rajib Ahamed(Instructor)
Subject Name: Data CommunicationSystem
Subject Code: 66644
Technology: Computer
Semester: 4th-A
Reference Book: Computer Networks. By ANDREW S.TANENBAUM
Text Book: Data Communication System
(Publisher: HaqueProkashani / Technical Prokashoni)

• To be able to acquire the knowledge on data communication Basics.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on signal and data transmission systems and transmission media.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge on Digital communication and computer networks.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on network topologies and protocols.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on MODEM, Hub, Switch, NICand Repeater.
• To be able to establish and implement a LAN to provide Network services.

Communication Basics; Analog and Digital Modulation and Demodulation; Analog and Digital communication; Transmission media and connectors; LAN, Network fundamentals; Peer‐peer & Client‐Server techniques; Topologies and protocols; NIC; Network Addressing; IP address and Subnet Mask.
Computer Architecture & Microprocessor for 5th CMT (28553)
Subject Teacher : Md. Rajib Ahamed (Instructor).
S Subject Name : Microprocessor & Interfacing.
S Subject Code : 66662
T Technology : Computer.
Semester : 6th
Reference Book Name : Microprocessor & Interfacing (Publisher: Hoque Publication). The 8086 and 80286 Microprocessor - Avatar Singh. Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware - Douglas V. Hall.

Subject Aims:
 To be able to acquire the knowledge on microprocessor, microcomputer.
 To be able to develop the knowledge and skill on the architecture and assembly
Language programming of 16- bit microprocessor.
 To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill on memory, interrupt and I/O

Subject Outcome:
⮚ Concept of microprocessor, Basic conception of microprocessor and microcomputer, Architecture
and addressing mode of Intel 8086p.
⮚ Instruction timing of Intel 8086 p; Memory, input /output and interrupt interfacing of Intel 8086
 Interfacing principle and peripheral devices; programming of Intel 8086/8088; Intel x86 family,
multi-core processor idea.
Sequential Logic System (66653)
Subject Teacher : Md. Rajib Ahamed (Instructor)
Subject Name : Sequential Logic System.
Subject Code : 66653
Technology : Computer Technology.
Semester : 5th

BTEB Text Book Name : Sequential Logic System (Publisher: Technical Prokashani)
Reference Book/Note Name:
1. Digital principles and application − Albert PaulMalvino.
2. Digital Computer Electronics− Albert PaulMalvino.
3. Digital Systems–Ronald J.Tocci.
4. Modern Digital Electronics - R. P. Jain.
5. Class note paper.

Subject Aims:
• To be able to acquire the knowledge & skill on Flip Flop, counters, shift registers and their applications.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge & skill on semiconductor memories & ALU.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge & skill on A/D and D/A converters.
• To familiarize with PLD & simple computer (SAP-1& SAP-2).

Subject Outcome:
 Synchronous optical network;
 Integrated services digital network;
 Asynchronous transfer mode; Wireless internet;
 Multimedia communication over IP network;
 Computer telephony integration and unified messaging;
 Telecommunication management network and Information security.
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Architectural Graphics (26132)
Course Conducted By
Nishat Akter Munia
Jr. Instructor
Architecture Technology
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute
This Course is for: Diploma in Engineering (Architecture 3th semester)

The subject will enable the diploma Architecture students to develop their creativity as
they investigate and solve design challenges. Studying Architectural graphics can help
the student develop strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as give
them the opportunity to explore their creativity. It’s a creative field that allows
express students’ ideas and vision through a medium
General Textile Process - II (21121)
Students need to gather basic knowledge and skill on overall processes for wet processing, garments manufacturing, fashion design and merchandising before in depth study on specific subject matter as well as specialization. Fundamental knowledge and skills are the prerequisite to study specialized subjects. This course outlines the overview of wet processing and apparel manufacturing as well as introduces the basic knowledge of fashion design and merchandising.

This course is conducted by:
Md. Jihad Hasan
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
Python Programming for 2nd CST (28521)
Subject Teacher : Md. Rajib Ahamed (Instructor).
Subject Name : Python Programming
Subject Code : 28521
Technology : Computer Science & Technology
Semester : 2nd
Reference Book : (1). Python Programming (Publisher: Hoque Publication)
(2). Learning Python-Mark Lutz (5th Edition)
(3). Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science-John Zelle (3rd Edition)
(4). Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy and IPython-Wes Mckinney (2nd Edition)
(5). Learn Python the Hard Way-ZED SHAW (3rdEdition).

Subject Aims:
To provide the students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude in the area. To develop knowledge and skill on programming and problem-solving. To develop knowledge and skill to create, compile, debug & execute a program.

Subject Outcome:
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to develop knowledge of the Basics of programming language, Basics of python, Variables and data types, String processing, Python operators, Branch, Loop, List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary structures, Function, and I/O operation of Python Programming Language.
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Man Made Fiber & Filament (21141)
Conducted By:
Md. Jihad Hasan
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
Explain Man-Made Fibre manufacturing process.
Explain Regenerated Cellulosic Fiber manufacturing process.
Identify problem during production.
Provide effective solution during production.
Explain High-performance Man-Made Fibre.
Illustrate recycling process and sustainability of Man-Made Fibre
Advanced Fabric Structure & Design (21262)
Fabric is the primary completed product of textile industry. Different apparel/garments are produced from different types of fabric. So, it is very essential for textile diploma students to identify the basic woven and knit fabrics. Textile diploma engineer’s responsibilities are identifying, analyzing and developing the supplied fabric for re-production. Fabric structure and design analysis is very important for merchant as well as factory management. This course has been designed in such a way that the upcoming textile diploma engineer’s be specialized in fabric manufacturing to analyze, identify and reproduce the advance structure of woven and knit fabric.

This course is conducted by:
Md. Jihad Hasan
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
Fundamental of Merchandising (21761)
This course will help students to explore the merchandising concepts, core activities and get to know about successful merchandising professionals. This course deals with the activities of apparel merchandising which starts from the sourcing of the materials to the shipment of the end products to the desired destination of the buyers. Learners will learn about how to communicate with different stakeholders including suppliers, production departments, liaison offices, commercial offices, banks and buyers. Learners will learn about merchandising planning, critical analysis of lead time, and upholding negotiations with the internal and external associates. They will also learn about various importing and exporting practices like shipping, customs and port operating procedures.

This course is conducted by:
Md. Jihad Hasan
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil Polytechnic Institute.
Sensor & IOT System (28563)
Principle Concept:
Sensor & IoT System is the most significant area of diploma in Computer Science & Technology. To work with Sensor & IoT System should have the knowledge, skills and attitude of Sensor and IoT, IoT Architecture, Raspberry pi and Arduino, IoT Architecture, IoT devices, Connectivity in IoT, Security in IoT, Data analytics in IoT, IIoT in agriculture, IoT standards and interoperability, Regulatory and ethical considerations, Future trends in IoT and IIoT.

Learning Outcome (Theoretical):
After completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Interpret Sensor and IoT
2. Illustrate IoT Architecture
3. Interpret Raspberry pi and Arduino.
4. Explain IoT Architecture
5. Explain IoT devices and sensors
6. Describe connectivity in IoT
7. Illustrate security in IoT
8. Describe data analytics in IoT
9. Explain IIoT in agriculture
10. Explain IoT standards and interoperability
11. Explain regulatory and ethical considerations
12. Describe future trends in IoT and IIoT
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Microcontroller Based System Design & Development (28564)
Principle Concept:
As electronic devices continue to play a vital role in our daily lives, the need for understanding Microcontroller and Embedded Systems becomes imperative. This course aims to equip Diploma in Engineering Level students with knowledge and skills related to Microcontroller Architecture, Programming, Interfacing within Embedded Systems, and practical applications in real-world projects.

Learning Outcome (Theoretical):
After completing the subject, students will be able to:
1. Interpret Microcontroller Architecture.
2. Write Program Microcontrollers using suitable IDEs.
3. State procedure to Interface the Microcontrollers with various sensors and actuators.
4. Comprehend communication protocols in Embedded Systems.
5. Explain Analog-to-Digital Conversion and PWM.
6. Develop and troubleshoot projects involving Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems.
7. Explain procedure of Interface with real world devices.
8. Illustrate mini development kit.
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